He peered in through the portal. It was the most intriguing reality he had ever imagined with it's kaleidoscopic fibers and prismatic rainbows. It was as if he was perusing the White Rabbit's hole from within a dream. He had longed to see new perspectives and alternate dimensions, but never in his wildest imagination did he ever expect to see anything like this. It was invigoratingly epic!
He could see the apparitions of ethereal life forms floating and wisping past him, peering back at him as if they were just as curious about him as he was of them. They almost reflected back to him the very emotions that he was experiencing. Could they read his mind, or were they not so different from him? As these ghost-like figures swooshed and twirled past him, they projected fractal beams of lights and misty ribbons of shadows. He could hear them whispering and giggling; they wondered at him and it was as if they were beckoning him to enter into their domain. But could he trust them?
The fragrances of incense and oceans mingled with the aroma of what seemed to be coffee and sex floated out of the portal. Bizarre, he thought to himself. Yet, somehow, it was the most tranquilizing luxury and he inhaled deeply as if he would lose his life if he didn't breathe in the magic of this dimension. He could feel the unexpected invigoration of these mysterious perfumes and bouquets of wild wonder. He kept his breathing at a pace so that the aroma would be constant and he was transfixed on the wonder of it all.
He opened his mouth to speak, and realized that he could not. It wasn't as if he couldn't move his mouth or tongue, but there was no sound to escape from him. He paused, swallowed, and tried again, but nothing would come out. Not even so much as a squeek or moan would manifest from within him. He found this most curious and frustrating. He desired to speak and question these gliding apparitions within this unexplored reality. Apparently, verbal communication was not allowed to be part of this experience and even though this was disappointing to him, he didn't let this minor 'glitch' offend him. He accepted this limitation and elected to try to communicate in a different fashion.
Almost as he had decided this, he heard a voice within himself chime, "You have found Wisdom." He looked around himself instinctively to see if he could find the source of the internal octave that spoke to him, but he knew he wouldn't find an external source. "You have found Wisdom and do not lack in Curiosity, so we have elected to share Secrets with you. Do you willingly yield to us your life so that you may gain all there is within this realm? You will not be able to speak, but you will be able to listen eternally and the end to all mysteries will not exist for you. Every enigma that conspired with the dark will be brought to light. All riddles, conundrums and ancient wonders will be unfolded and you will have the ability to decipher all of them and even pass on these enchanting mysteries to other realms. But you will never speak again. You must evolve to this higher plane and there is a cost applied to all things of such priceless measure. Do you yield to us?"
He paused for a moment and reflected on his life up until this point- all he had done, hoped and achieved. He pondered his studies and obsessions and even weighed out his loves and losses. What did it all add up to? Was he more valuable here in this place, or would he be more useful in this magnificent place of awe and wonder? Could he even trust this realm? Who were these beings and would they allow him to step back in to his realm ever? So many issues were placed on the scale in his mind. He couldn't even conceive a notion that brought him any guiding advice and he felt frustration well up inside his chest. But in his Spirit, he had peace, but was it an illusion? Was this peace an imposter or could he rely on it?
Echoing chants and lagging whispers cooed at him and beckoned to him. "Step in and slip away. Come stay with us and we will show you Truth. Commune with us and we will feed you with rich mysteries unfolded and let you sip on Divine obscurities to console your fretting mind, for we love to share what we have, but so few seek our Treasure. Come, Treasure seeker. Come and taste our Wisdom and Knowledge. But swiftly make your decision, or the portal will close and you will no longer have a choice. Come, Treasure seeker, come. Step into Wonder."
The portal began to glitch and flashes of lightning peeled away the shadows in strobing bursts. He could hear the choir of ghosts beckoning to him and the electrical crackling of the portal struggling to keep itself open for a few moments longer. He knew he had little time to make his decision; seconds at most. He wasn't especially good at dealing with such pressures, but that was just he way it was right now. He let all his past and future explode simultaneously in his thoughts and the scales tipped in a way that he knew was fair. He had his answer. He knew what he truly desired and was ready to make his choice. And he knew in his Spirit that he would not regret it.
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Oh my!!! Do tell...

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