Not going have this plant anywhere

This plant called 'Pokok Puding' in Malay language. Its scientific name is Codiaeum Variegatum. It's a poisonous plant. During my childhood time, I've seen many of this plant around and they use this plant as decoration.
At home, some people put it outside of their house or even inside their house. You know at home, can have young children around. That's dangerous.
At school, very famous place, I can see this plant. The plant normally can be seen outside the school office. Some of the plant will be at the side of the walking aisle. Many school children around. Oh no! The plant shouldn't be here.
At office, some of the staff, they bring young children along as they are working because they can't find anyone to babysit them. There's some plant over there too. Not good at all.
Why this plant shouldn't be anywhere? Because almost all places have young children around.
What happen when we have these plants around and what bad incident can happen? Well, if children bite its leaf, it can kill children in less than 1 minute. For adult, less than 15 minutes can cause death. If you touch it, never touch your eyes. Its poison and its rubber can make you go blind.
The effect when anyone bites its leaf is it will make your tongue swollen straightaway. It also can then block your airway. This cause suffocation and then end up death.
Now, if you care about your loved ones, family and children, please don't own this plant and have this plant go as far away as possible out of this galaxy! Ha ha ha!
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