Leaked Docs On Permanent Lockdown of UK in 3 weeks?

in #great4 years ago (edited)


A friend sent me this, not sure what to make of it for the time being, I suggest you have a look and research for yourself, heres the video in question. https://rumble.com/viww3n-leaked-docs-on-permament-lockdown-of-uk-in-3-weeks.html

In case the video becomes no longer available by the time you read this, basically it talks about a supposed document detailing a plan to put the UK in lockdown permanently by mid July. It details how they will use the current "pandemic" to manufacture more fear inducing stories of new "variants" of the so called virus and use this to go in lock down permanently. This could easily be fake news to further discredit those trying to get the truth out but I think its best to look into it and decide for yourself.

Has it really being fact checked?

So far ive found a fact check article that mainly focused on it not being the Imperial College London who produced the document rather than whether the contents in this document are true or not? Fact checkers are mouth pieces of the ruling elite and so they wouldn't go "yes this is true, all of this in the document is coming.
It claims there is no evidence that this is true, that could just mean the evidence has been hidden. And finally it makes an appeal to mainstream media by saying "If this were true, it would be on the news". Although this "leaked" document could indeed be fake, this fact check article doesnt show concrete evidence that this is the case.


Here is another screen shot from the doc in the video, sorry they are a bit blurry but they mention: Using an indian "variant" as a justification for this, stopping of medicines at pharmacies to make people take the covid vaccines instead, making all people wear 'stay in' bracelets by the end of the year and a letter sent to the owners of facebook, twitter and youtube to censor any mention of this.

This last screen shot from the above video is from World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab - the ones behind the great reset "you will own nothing and be happy. This is from his book:

great reset.png

Another interesting video from the channel Computing Forever has 2 scientists on a mainstream media UK news network program talking about similar topics such as using this to gradually move to their climate change based lockdown agenda, forever!


Whether this initial document is true or not one thing is clear just by going by Klaus' book, the agenda 21/30 documents, the comments in this above video and also documents on the UK governments own website, its clear that this is an agenda that the elite are pushing for, whether it be in 3 weeks, years or decades.

As for this initial video, I recommend researching into it as much as you can, looking out for any upcoming stories/headings in the news (mainstream or alternative) that allude to what has been mentioned in this document/video, prepare the best you can just in case its true and to share to others and tell them to do the same.

Apart from this, since I cant 100% verify this supposed permanent lockdown within 3 weeks, I would say to until such a thing is confirmed, take the video and the information in it as rumor and with a grain of salt.