GRE must know word list: Part 1(Anger)

in #gre7 years ago

Welcome to the GRE word list

The following post comprises word list associated with "Anger". 


  1. berate v.  to yell at (someone)/ to scold OR to criticize in a loud and angry way   
  2. stricture n. 1. a law or rule that limits or control/ restriction 2. a strong criticism/ a critical remark syn: rebuke reprimand berate  
  3. reprimand 1. n. a severe or formal criticism or blame syn: objurgation denunciation censure 2. v. to speak angrily and in a critical way usually from a position of authority syn: berate castigate upbraid  
  4. rebuke v. to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone) syn: reprimand admonish objurgate  
  5. objurgation n. 1. a harsh rebuke      2. scold someone publicly syn: condemnation censure stricture  
  6. upbraid v. to speak angrily or critically (to someone who has done something wrong) syn: scold rebuke chastise  
  7. fulminate v. to complain loudly or angrily syn: rant (at) to scold vehemently inveigh  
  8. opprobrium n. 1. harsh criticism or censure; vilification abuse vituperation condemnation denunciation obloquy derogation slander calumny libel   2. public disgrace arising from shameful conduct; disgrace pillory shame dishonour stigma stain ignominy odium obloquy notoriety scandal  
  9. ignominy n. ignominious adj. public shame or disgrace;   
  10. harridan n. an angry or unpleasant woman syn: harpy shrew termagant vixen  
  11. termagant adj. overbearing (annoyingly trying to control others) or shrewish n. overbearing woman; syn: shrewish virago bad tempered hag ugly and old   
  12. shrewish adj. an aggressive or disputatious (gets into disputes or quarrels easily); syn: quarrelsome truculent belligerent virago hag  
  13. hag n. ugly and evil-looking old woman   
  14. misanthrope n. a person who hates mankind OR a person who does not like other people  
  15. contumacious adj. stubbornly disobedient; syn: rebellious  
  16. truculence n. fierceness or inherent aggression; truce peace or ceasefire  
  17. rottweiler n. butcher's dog (a large & powerful breed)   
  18. retribution n. severe punishment inflicted as revenge   
  19. vendetta n. prolonged desire to take revenge   
  20. asperity n. harshness of manner; asperse v. hurt through bad words; abrade abrasive adj. harsh or hurtful; scabrous   
  21. abrade v. 1. to wear down in spirit: irritate weary   2. wear away by friction or erosion abrasion n. scraping or wearing away   
  22. scabrous adj. indecent or sordid OR covered with scabs a crust forming over a wound sordid adj. dishonest or immoral OR very dirty and unpleasant; squalor  
  23. outrage 1. n. an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock or indignation (anger or annoyance caused by an unfair treatment)    syn: resentment fury 2. v. arouse anger, shock or indignation syn: enrage infuriate affront  
  24. enrage v. make very angry   
  25. invidious adj. likely to cause resentment   
  26. ribald adj. humorous but rude or vulgar   
  27. salacious adj. cheap, vulgar & attention seeking or indecent interest in sexual matters; obscene atrocious  
  28. egregious adj. 1. outstandingly (very) bad        2. shocking grex n. society or a group of people; flock egress v. go out of or leave (a place) transgression n. an act of breaking the law; an offense crime sin felony vice  
  29. dudgeon n. a state of being upset or feeling offended; resentment  
  30. aggrieved adj. feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated; resentful indignant angry distressed anguished upset vexed annoyed irritated  
  31. irate adj. very angry; vexed irked furious enraged vexed adj. annoyed, frustrated or irritated OR in a high dudgeon; syn: choleric resentful  
  32. choleric adj. short tempered or gets angry easily; irascible   
  33. irk v. make angry, annoy or irritate   
  34. fractious adj. 1. irritable or quarrelsome; syn: cantankerous 2. difficult to control, disruptive, disorderly and not amenable to discipline or control syn: unruly obstreperous refractory recalcitrant obstinate  
  35. menacing adj. suggesting the presence of danger; threatening; minatory adj. expressing a threat   
  36. growl v. say something in a low harsh voice, typically in a threatening manner (like dogs); snarl v. make aggressive look with bared teeth   
  37. scowl n. angry or bad-tempered expression v. frown in a angry or bad-tempered way syn: beetling growling  
  38. beetling adj. (of a person's eyebrows) overhanging   
  39. stern adj. 1. (of person's manner) sullen or serious syn: dour grim unrelenting 2. strict and severe; stringent fierce  
  40. dour adj. relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance   
  41. sardonic adj. sarcastic gesture or grimly mocking; cynical concerned only with one's own interests   
  42. languish v. grow weak or feeble; gloomy adj. depression or despair or joyless   
  43. despondent adj. in low spirits from loss of hope or courage;  syn: crestfallen sad and disappointed   
  44. rage n. violent uncontrollable anger OR vehement (intense) desire or passion   
  45. rave v. talk angrily or wildly or incoherently (in a confusing way)    

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