GRE Vocab: Most Common GRE Words (Part-2)
GRE Vocab: Most Common GRE Words (Part-2)

Hello guys! Hope you enjoyed my last post. I am starting from where I left off yesterday. Today I am going to discuss another 5 important GRE words. Hope you enjoy learning them! :)
Exacerbate (verb):
make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worseWhile struggling with financial problems, if you get mugged in broad daylight, your situation has just got exacerbated. Excerpt from the Tv Show: 24
occurring by happy chanceWhen you are thinking about ordering some Chinese food and the doorbell rings and you see your Dad has brought Chinese takeouts, you might exclaim, "How fortuitous!" Excerpt from the Tv Show: Penny Dreadful
brazen boldness coupled with impudent assurance and insolenceIf one of your friends starts dating the girl you liked, although he knew your feelings for her, you might get surprised by his gall when he tells you, "You gotta get yourself a girlfriend man! You have been single since forever". Excerpt from the Tv Show: Private Practice
to persistently harassIf you are the lead developer of a project and a bunch of newly hired interns are working under your supervision, they might keep harrying you with silly questions on their first day at work. Excerpt from the Movie: Cracks
Impertinent (adjective):
being disrespectful; improperly forward or boldIf you are behaving rudely or impolitely, people might call you impertinent. Some kids might think being funny and playful all the time is smartness, while others--e.g., adults--might call it impertinance. If your mom reminds you of what will happen if you skip school again, and you bluntly say ,"Whatever"--right to her face, you are being impertinent. Excerpt from the Movie: An Education (2009)
That's all for today. Hope you enjoyed reading this post. If you have any suggestions, I am happy to listen to them. In case you are wondering about the first post, I have provided a link at the bottom of this post. Have a good day! Wish you all the best.
The first post: GRE Vocab: Most Common GRE Words (Part-1)
The third post: GRE Vocab: Most Common GRE Words (Part-3)
Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.
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