What's your perfect day?

Everyone wants to live a dream life or have a perfect day, but most people don't even know what that perfect day would even begin to look like. I used to be in that very same position, but I have worked hard to envision what I wanted and finally have my perfect day lined up and ready to be accomplished.
Only 55 days left until we are in beautiful Costa Rica! What a way to kick of our travels, 3 months on the beautiful coastlines of south america sucking up the sun and enjoying the peacefulness of the ocean waves crashing on the shoreline outside our house. What a truly amazing life it has turned out to be.
I can't believe that it was only one short year ago that I was lost in this crazy world. I had no dreams, no goals and no ambition in life except to grow weed and not work for "the man." Sure it wasn't terrible, but I knew it definitely wasn't what I wanted out of life either, I knew there was so much more to living. I had to change.
I realized if I didn't have a dream of a perfect day, then I could never truly have a "perfect day." It wasn't like the universe was going to drop that day in my lap unexpectedly, I had to dream it up, decide what I wanted my future to look like.

When I started trying to figure out what my perfect day was I quickly realized I didn't even know what truly made me happy. Sure getting high or drunk was fun, going boating or 4 wheeling was cool, and playing video games and watching tv was always easy and conveniently appeasing, but I had no idea what really made me happy and what I wanted out of life. I just went through the motions of life like everyone else, assuming that one day the universe would just drop the best day of my life in my lap. That's sad.
show me a person who assumes and I will show you a person who is disappointed almost daily.
If you don't know what you want you will never get it, it's that simple! So I decided to dream up my perfect day, then make goals to get closer to it every day. It wasn't easy, it was definitely a journey to learn who I was as a person and what I was willing to do to make my life better. But along the way I learned that
the fruit of everything good in life, comes from a challenge.
Ever since I was a child I had always dreamed of living ocean side, so that is where my perfect day starts. I could wake up while the air was still cool and crisp, the ocean breeze blowing across the beach and the moon still reflecting off the water. I appreciate time alone in the early mornings to be thankful, grateful and to meditate. I would make time to enjoying the sunrises every morning, then take a walk on the beach with my soulmate and dogs to start the day off right.
Surfing would be next, catching some waves for a good work out first thing in the morning is way better than lifting weights or running ;) From there it would be fresh picked fruit for breakfast, then some reading and maybe a nap, because why not right?!? It's my dream and I can make it as big as I want. lol.
Another walk in the late afternoon would definitely be an option as I don't like to lay around to much. Maybe to visit local markets or shops in the town while we are out and about.
After a long day we would enjoy the sunset together, a perfect way to end a perfect day.
Lastly we would enjoy the stars for a while just before laying in bed, listening to the sound of the ocean waves crashing against the beach as we fall sleep peacefully.
That is my perfect day. Doesn't that sound great?! Well, in 55 days that dream day will be mine! And the good news is, if I can do it then anyone can!
Don't sit back and let life pass you by, grab the bull by the horns and enjoy this life because it might be easier to live your dream life than you think. But you gotta start somewhere, so it might as well be today! Be grateful for being alive and follow your dreams. Anything is possible!

So tell me, what is your perfect day? What is your dream life? How do you plan on accomplishing it? What's stopping you from getting it?
"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"
You seem to have really hit your stride, writing of the joys of reclaiming your life from the land of wage slavery and despair. We celebrate your exuberance. May everyone find the courage to make that choice and discover your kind of freedom.
This post has been selected as The Best Post of the Day for January 4 from the @moonbot post promotion channel by the independent curation team of @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received an upvote from each of us us as a gesture to reward and encourage this kind of quality. Thank you for your contribution to Steemit and for submitting this excellent post to Moonbot Post Promotion. We look forward to seeing more. Have a lovely day.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the kind words and direction from u. I have joined another discord and have been trying to promote my articles more lately because of u. Last time u left me a message you definitely made me realize i wasnt giving it my all here on steemit and i have decided to try harder. You helped me more than u know 😉, So i just wanted to say thank you! I really appreciate u giving me that extra push to help me see my potential and all the extra exposure thru the moonbot posts, and everything really! thank you so much
I love this. We have to make our BEST DAY happen. I do love when somethings turn out amazing out of the blue but in order live a happier life each day you have to search for it.
I absolutely love your PERFECT DAY. My day would be much similar as I am a big fan of the ocean. I always say UST GIVE ME THE OCEAN AND I AM HAPPY MAN. Even though I am not sure about surfing. I am too tall and out of balance for it. The waves would eat me alive. lol
Amazing post. Enjoyed reading it. I remember you commented on my post the other day and talking about how you were on a similar journey of discovery as me. After reading this I have no doubt you are. :)
Have an amazing day. :)
Yeah, the ocean is the best right!?! Dont worry, Im 6' tall, and can surf like a champ, so if i can surf i definitely can surf teach u to surf my friend! ;)
Its so great to find other people who are on a similar journey. I havent run across to many so far who really appreciate life like we do! I love reading ur post about the places u have traveled and it seemms we tend to appreciate the same things.. i have no doubt that we will remain close thru steemit on our journeys in life.. :)
The best. I could not agree with you more. You are 6" but I am 6.7ft. lol And, I am worried about it. lol But, in order to learn anything in life, you have to first give it a try. So I might take you up on the offer of surfing lessons. lol
It truly is great to meet a kindred spirit. The more you appreciate what you have, the more you will have. Sounds strange, but it truly works like this. I have traveled many places and have a lot to share. I have about 20 posts in my head waiting to get written down and shared with people like you. :)
Have an amazing day my friend. :)
Damn bro 6' 7''? Guess you were meant to play basketball! lol.. But I still think I could teach you to surf bro! size doesnt matter, its the heart you put into it ;)
I agree, the world works different than most think.. as an example, i was running out of money one time so instead of trying to earn more, i just gave away the rest of what I had to people who needed it more than I did.. right after that so many good things happened to me it was ridiculous! the universe rewards the poeple who take care of other people! I think people forget that we are all in this together, we are all one.
Anyhow, I always look forward to reading your post bro, so give me a heads up next time you write a good one ;)
Stay awesome my friend!
Yep meant to play basketball. hehe lol I agree with you on putting your heart in it. Eventually, you will get there. Even see me surfing. lol
The more you give, the more you will have. It is as simple as it gets. But, people are so hung up on material stuff and they don't see how helping others in need will make a world better for others, and them at the same time. :)
Brother, I wrote one if you did not read already about my childhood memory and it has been a hit. Got curied actually. It is the third post down on my profile. It is one of the best stories I wrote so far for me personally. :)
going to check it out right now bro!!!!!!
Omg! Costa Rica ❤️ I haven’t been yet but can’t wait to preview it through you 😜. I love that you committed yourself to making a plan and following through. That’s really hard sometimes for us dreamers! Let your plan be the inspiration but be open to what comes along spontaneously because you may have not even dreamt of the things that could make it the best day ever!
While walking from a really isolated spot on Xpu Ha beach (beer Tulum, MX), I happened upon perfection. It was a blue moon, dusk time, and my last night there. Walking back towards my resort with my husband, I was stopped dead in my tracks by a song I heard faintly in the background. I started dancing and my husband looked at me like I was a little crazy (I am ;)) and said “What are you doing?” I said “That song.. the chances of THAT song playing on THIS beach in this VERY moment are next to impossible. It was a rather obscure song called Taro by Alt J that I happen to love. I told him “Find the source and you’ll find my people!” because I’m always the odd duck who swims in a pond of geese, you know what I’m saying?? Anyways, he did and he found a lady who was giving a full Moon yoga class. I had no money... she said it was free. I had no mat... a man named Octavio appeared out of nowhere to provide one for me graciously and I spent the next hour doing yoga with people from all around the world in the most beautiful setting ever. That day changed my life... literally. I do wish I had been brave enough to go moonlight kayaking with Barry, the Belgium guy but my husband wasn’t quite there yet. At any rate, enjoy your adventure!!!
You are right, this is really hard for us dreamers, that is why I am trying to share my story with as many people as possible, to let everyone know it IS possible for anyone if you want it really bad. You just have to work towards it every day.
You have such an awesome story, thanks for sharing it with me. I totally agree that your best day can't be planned, but I was more or less trying to say if you are not working towards it, then it is rare that it will happen.. People don't really seem to go looking for happiness anymore, its always about the things they want to make them happy..
I have never been so happy before as I am now and because of that I often dance.
I dance whenever Im happy or whenever I hear music really lol. But I never did that before I was truly happy with my life. I was always concerned about what other people thought so I never let my true self show.
The true secret is: all the best things in life are free! Sunrises and sunsets, laughter, happiness, love, beauty are all free! Unfortunately everyone seems to be brainwashed to think mercedes and the mansions are what it takes to be happy, when that is the farthest thing from the truth..
I'm glad i have found someone else who understand life more than most, its rather lonely over here sometimes. I hope you keep following me on my journey and leaving awesome comments along the way ;) take care and have a wonderful day!
You’re right.. just filling the void with stuff and wondering why they still feel empty. We’ve become quite lost along the way to being civilized.
Amen. That is a realization I have come to as well. A lot of people underestimate the power of writing their dreams and goals down into a singular concrete vision for their life. I suppose they feel silly writing something down that they don't even have faith they can bring about into reality...but that's the thing...until you actually sit down and write it down, it will feel silly. But once you start writing, everything will just flow out of you and you'll realize that you've been keeping so many dreams and goals inside you for so long. And then you'll wonder why you haven't done anything about any of them.
And that's when the magic will start to happen. :)
You are so right about that bro! I write down my goals a lot, i also always have my list of goals written on a board in my workout room so i read through the big ones daily. I also keep a list of the things im thankful for right next to the goals, being thankful everyday is incredibly important! Its kinda sad we arent taught this stuff in school, so people dont realize how easy it is to follow ur dreams once u have a "roadmap" for life 😉
Thanks for taking the time to checkin out my article and leavin a comment, always extremely appreciated my friend!
True, the best days of our life just don't come to us out of the blue. The best way for it to happen is for us to work hard, and make that dream a reality. Take pics of the sunrise/sets for me when you go to Costa Rica, I would love to see it 😄. Continue to post more of these, God bless!!
You are absolutely right about that my friend..
And dont worry, I am just honing in my photography skills now so i can blow your mind with amazing shots when Im in costa rica 😉
Thanks for the great comments. following
Can't wait to see those photos 💖
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My answer to what makes a perfect day would have changed over the years, nowadays its a nnice warm day nothing urgent to do and if possible a visit to the beach :)
Im sure my will change over the years as well, i just had to start somewhere. As long as you know what makes u happy, thats the important part! 😉
Yes that’s very true being able to know and find your happy place it’s good
I dont know if u have read any of my prior posts but i have been on a life changing journey of chasing my dreams for the last year and its finally all coming together.. thats why i post so much positive stuff like this. trying to inspire others to follow their dreams.
i Just came across you recently so I haven’t read many of your older posts but positivity and inspiration Ate great things to be posting about
I heard some good advice onetime that basically said "If you're living for the weekend, you're doing something wrong". The perfect day is definitely something to strive for but if we can turn our average Monday into a pretty enjoyable day thats how to truly win the game of life
I love that saying! Thanks for telling it to me.
I agree that we should make everyday enjoyable so we dont feel the need to have to escape life on the weekends.
i was trying to get people to honestly think of what that first day might look like so they have a goal to try to make it there, the rest of the good days will follow once u figure that first one out. 😉
Wow!!! Freezing cold here with tons of homework. Next when I get home my little brother starts with me. Not my perfect day but glad to be here :)
I know all about the cold pal, I just moved from wisconsin where it is below zero for most of the winter! Homework does suck, but its just a part of life that teaches you about responsibility and self discipline, both of which are extremely important throughout life ;) But for now you should just enjoy being young and having fun! cuz thats what life is really all about!
Thanks. I had a good time this weekend.