BandZ is about the commoditization of transmission capacity. This idea normally prompts a commercial center, which on the web, will catalyze the appearance of transmission capacity trade rates, differing by geolocation and sort (server farm, private, 4G/LTE).
BandZ is a P2P extranet framework convention intended to serve a worldwide market of brilliant gadgets. BandZ plans to redistribute the web by means of decentralizing transmission capacity get to. BandZ empowers clients to share the data transfer capacity/web administrations by means of blockchain innovation.
The web empowered blockchain and now the blockchain will empower the web.
BandZ will offer a scope of decentralized administrations from data transfer capacity sharing to VPN burrowing, with different layers and WebRTC administrations got ready for what's to come!
My Proposal :

Reason behind my choice of entry.
BandZ is something that we have all been waiting for. As an avid internet user it's something that most excites me. That's why I've put my effort into designing a logo that'll get the notice of clients, sending the right message, and shedding more light on the blockchain world.