[Summary Report] SLC20/WK2: Introduction to Logo Design.

in #graphics-s21wk24 months ago (edited)

I really can't thank you all enough for showing up once again and as usual you have surprised me with your zeal to learn, the manner at which you all charged at the homework task made me really happy because I can tell that you're getting the subject matter and of course I wasn't disappointed by the entries because almost all the entries were quite cool.

For me, I think your quest to learn and improve should be more than your desire to just top the chart for the week. When desperation set in, you might find yourself boycotting the learning process which would eventually tell on you with time. I would implore us to learn patiently and then the greater reward would come someday.

Nevertheless, I want to commend you all for a job weldone, I can tell from the entries that you all gave your best presenting the best way you can. Although some of you fell short of what was expected due to some little shortcoming here and there but you sure proved you knew what you were doing.

We still have few more weeks to go together and there is a whole lot to learn together, so stay with me even as I take you on this journey friends.

Homework Task for last week

• Discuss Logo design based on your understanding about the topic.

• Discuss extensively the role and impact of logo to a brand.

• Explain and demonstrate visually the do's and don't when it comes to Logo design. You can do more research to be outstanding and kindly ensure not to use my specimen logo.

• Design a simple logo with the knowledge you have gotten from this lesson by assuming that a client gave you a job to design for his brand (business).

The outcome of your design should clearly tell what kind of brand/business organization you designed for. Also do well to be well detailed in your design.

Mini Statistic for last week
Total Entry40
Valid Entry38
Invalid Entry2

Top 4 Entries

I want to specially commend every student who took part in the homework task, I could tell from the entries that y'all did your best, I just could not hide the feeling of excitement that followed even as I took my time to review (and correct where necessary) the entry of each and every one of you.

But you know we all cannot emerge as the top 4,I had to carefully sieve out the top 4 out of the many outstanding posts I had for the week. Trust me, it was such a sensitive task for me because everyone attempted it to the best of their ability.

However, here are some of the things that deprived some of the participants from making it to the top 4 are;

• Not following instructions to the latter.

• Not being detailed enough in their entries.

• Using other means (design tool) for the task and not been able to defend their homework via pure demonstration.

In spite of all these deficiencies, I still ensured I encouraged each and everyone of them with a good grade just to tell how much I appreciate their effort because we all are on a journey to "becoming" and should be encouraged all the way.

Notwithstanding, we have 4 top entries out of the many beautiful entries that came in. These participants singled out themselves by ensuring they leveraged on the areas where many overlooked just as captured above to emerge as our top 4 winners.


There were other amazing entries as well...you can look them up with the unique hashtags for the week.
Dear student, if you didn't make it up to the top 5 last week, do not be discouraged, it might just be your turn this week. I wish you the very best.



Wow! Thank you so much for selecting my article. Congratulations to all the winners!🎉

Thank you soo much for choosing me as a winner for week 2.
I congratulate other winners too!