Graphene Shoes Expected To Hit The Market Next Year

Graphene is being used in a variety of ways by researchers around the world today.
It's a material that's stronger than steel (roughly 200x stronger), extremely light, nearly transparent, and it's an excellent conductor of electricity and heat.
The graphene market is expected to surpass $270 million by 2020.

The British sportswear brand that is known as inov-8 is planning on releasing their graphene runners next year,
The benefits?
Those behind the shoe project allege that the graphene runners are going to be at least 50 percent stronger, as well as 50 percent more resistant to wear and tear, and roughly 50 percent more stretchy.
The innovation of this new and creative product is the priority behind the teams work and they are hoping that graphene will give them the competitive edge to be able to compete with the other big sports brands that are out there on the market today.
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Graphene is a really intersting material. I first learned about it from the Billions In Change video. That video proposed using a graphene cord to transport heat from deep in the earth to the surface to heat steam-electric generators.
I wouldn't mind having graphene shoes.
Cool post! Graphene is crazy useful!
I bet you those shoes are going to be expensive! I've never heard of that material I learn so much from you!
Watching the growth of graphene has been fascinating. While I'm used to being ahead on tech, this is going to be the first time I have to explain a material once it starts becoming a household name.
Wow @doitvoluntarily ! this grapheneindustry is going to be huge in the future ! These Graphene Runners will be awesome for those who jog or use them a lot , with them being 50% stronger , im sure they will also be very expensive , but heah if they last twice as long and their more comfortable , then it might be worth it for those that need them !! I think they should be used for Work Boots ! Now those take a real beating on the job site !! Thanks for sharing , it might be something to invest in if a person could afford to !! Upped and Resteemed !👍👍👍🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

The Flash Would Be A Definite Customer !!! LOL!!
Amazing! Graphene is a material that will disrupt the world. Great post!
Super-thin Graphene Means Super Power
so nice ...

but the sad thing is that in the future: Our shoes will live more than us.
No the sad thing is that in the future: will be without Our shoes
Graphene is amazing and is going to revolutionise our world. Inov8 make great trail runners, look forward to trying these next year. Thanks for the info.
Wicked. I'd like to have me a pair of those sneaker's for everyday wear. Very interesting post.
Very cool. I bet the shoes will be expensive and long lasting.