New York’s Super Freeze & Polar Vortex Aftermath Midwest

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Severe Weather Alerts! By now, everyone must have expected this, as the extreme super freeze that swept through the Midwest and the Great Lakes, moved eastward.

Also, some of the all-time record cold temperatures we saw being broken through the mid-west, I don’t think that’s going to happen over the New England states, but they’re going to have temperatures that are -0F. As shown on the Temperature Anomaly Map, the super freeze front is going to pass offshore out into the Atlantic, and will be followed by extreme warmth.

Looking at the numbers recorded, Midwest states experienced polar vortex, breaking all-time record lows across the mid-west. The new state record in Illinois is now 38 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, and those are standing on the ground temperatures, not wind chills.

The media of course will quickly focus on the heat, to try to make you forget about what just happened. To point it out, this is such an outlier. This shouldn’t be happening during what is considered a “Global Warming”, but it is. But then, corporate media is going to focus on the heat that’s coming over next week, instead of reporting the all-time record temperatures occurring now. Focusing on the future so you forget the present.

Notice, behind that heat, there’s another polar vortex event coming around the 9th and 10th of February, but it’s going to dip further south this time, and then behind that there’s still another cold front attached to it. So we are going to get this first frontal boundary, followed by a second polar front that is connected to this. You can expect more record low temperatures and snow records to be broken again in the second week of February. This time it’s going to push into Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana further south.

Meanwhile, let’s take a look at some of the numbers during the all-time record super freeze in the Midwest. Before that, I would like to express my appreciation to AccuWeather for putting all this information together. I was really impressed that instead of trying to hide these numbers, they actually put them together, making it so discernable and so easy to understand the epic proportions of the event and wide spread area it covered. Moreover, they left all the comments, which I found fascinating.
Here is the article, Midwest extreme cold by the number. First stop is the RealFeel weather in Thief River Falls. (RealFeel means wind chill is included) that city had 77 degrees Fahrenheit below zero wind chills that were recorded. Then Cotton, Minnesota had on the ground standing temperatures with no windchill of 56 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. Finally, Mount Caroll, Illinois recorded the lowest temperature, ever, of 38 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. This would be the new Illinois state record for all-time cold.

And in Chicago, finally the missing numbers have been tallied, as there was an hour of missing data. Can you imagine that? This would’ve give an all-time record cold in Chicago. This hour of missing data would have made this record a “record”.

Suddenly, the missing data appeared. The old record was at 21 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, while the new record is at 23 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. This is now Chicago’s new record cold.
Jumpping back to 1996, you can see Minneapolis with this type of cold, but this seems to be more of a cycle, than a linear thing as they’ve been saying, that people are putting CO2 in the air. This is also the first time ever, that nine states experienced 14 degrees Fahrenheit below zero at the same time. This set a new all-time record as well.

At first, the official low temperature in Chicago was 21 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, but with the hour of missing data there was a push demanding National Weather Service (NOAA) release the missing data. After magically finding the missing data, temperatures showed 23 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. This then became the new all-time coldest temperature ever recorded.
Temperatures recorded in this city dates back to the 1870s, and again, this is a climate cycle that we’re encountering. Now our world is starting to break everything from 200-year to 300-year then finally to 400-year records, as we get into the depths of the Grand Solar Minimum. The years around 2023 would be the coldest of the first wave of two waves that are coming taking us out to 2035.

More all-time record lows: 33 degrees Fahrenheit below zero in Moline and 30 degrees Fahrenheit below zero in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Rockford, Illinois.

If you look at some of the older records, you see how much these were broken by. There is as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit difference from the old record.
The data below is the sampling of daily record lows. This is where you go if you want to look at the temperature differences. International Falls, Minnesota had an old record cold temperature in 1996 of 35 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, while the new record cold temperature was 45 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. There was 10 degree difference on the cooling, that’s gargantuan. Even a lot of the records are being broken by 1 or 2 degrees Celsius in Australia from the heat, like 1 degree warmer than the previous record, but this one is 10 degrees cooler. Grand Forks, North Dakota and Madison, Wisconsin had some of the newer records as well.
So let me point out that 1980’s were a cold decade and I’ve noticed that the media keeps pushing the narrative that the 80s were much colder than this decade that we’re in. This is one of the events that’s “pushed back Global Warming by two days” with all of the new record cold. Corporate media will not discuss the Grand Solar Minimum.

Indeed, the 1980’s was a cooler decade, but I love how they shifted the narrative, instead of really focusing on the fact that this current event smashed all these all-time record colds in hundreds locations. All records being broken, literally, in a day. This means, that this day is colder, not the decade. Who cares about the average over the decade, this is GSM amplification event that nobody wants to talk about.
Take a look at the difference in Chicago, from 21 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit, below zero. Then we get back to these longer records in 1899 Milwaukee, Wisconsin with temperature record of 21 from 15 degrees Fahrenheit, below zero. Also, South Bend, Indiana had old record of 11 degrees Fahrenheit below zero in 1936 and a new record of 20 degrees Fahrenheit below zero now. That’s 8 degrees difference. Then Detroit, of all places, 7 degrees Fahrenheit below zero in 1920 and 14 degrees Fahrenheit below zero now.

More importantly, this map shows the temperature stations that have broken the daily low records or the maximum high records for the day. It is at least 340 locations in what are considered city or suburbs. These are not out in the rural areas. So they’re trying to aggregate data in places where they don’t have official temperature stations with persons who actually have thermometers and are taking readings in rural areas. The numbers are still coming in because some areas are in the farmlands and areas that are further rural.

National Weather Service in Duluth put out the 8:00 P.M. temperatures as shown, with incredible lows. This was not wind chill; these were standing on the ground temperatures. The lighter colored teal is any temperature that’s either in the 20s or 10s degrees Fahrenheit below zero.

And as the storm continues to march eastward, these were all the new record lows that were set through Ohio and Pennsylvania, moving over to New York.

On a side note, one of the other impressive things that I found in AccuWeather is, they let the comments intact. The commenters were talking about the effect of the Sun in our weather. Like: What about Greenland, gaining ice? We will be in a Grand Solar Minimum for the next 30 years. What if it’s a Super Grand Solar Minimum? These were among the few comments, and these were all left intact.
I really do applaud them for allowing the discussion to at least move forward in AccuWeather’s chat board.

There are also some of the related articles that are talking about the polar vortex and how much economic damage it caused. A total of around $14 billion was lost out of the economy and $5 billion of it was lost permanently. What do they mean by that?

There were travel bans across 9 states as well. The governors forbade traveling at all, on the roads because it’s too dangerous, and nobody would come to rescue you. You would have frozen to death in your car before you were found.

One example I’d like to put out is, Chicago zoo was closed! It’s now just the 4th time, in 85 years, to be closed. But the polar bear is resting nicely. I wonder if that’s a subliminal message about the polar bears with the ice in the Arctic.

Then they went on to the details of how many pipes have burst in Cleveland. It seems to have set the record for the most burst pipes too.

In any good crisis, the energy companies are going to jack you for higher rates. Since there was an all-time record demand on gas, they increased the rates to about 50%, but overall they’re going to gouge you for 60% to 70% because of this event. This will be nationwide, not centered only in the Midwest. They’re going to spread it out, so everybody can share. Heating companies, “thank you” very much!

Speaking of utilities and electrical companies, as was predicted, power outages experienced in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. Now, you have to look up each of these individual events, but it was not 36,000 customers, it was more like 75,000 customers were affected in Illinois. Indiana was up around 60,000 and Wisconsin was not just a mere 8,000. That thing was pushing a hundred thousand customers at one point.
Moreover, as temperatures were descending, power cuts started due to record demand. There was this urgent plea from the governor asking for people to please turn their thermostat down to 65 degrees Fahrenheit or lower so the state wouldn’t go into a grid down situation.

This plea from the governor is to help reduce the demand on the grid. It really become an urgent plea because Michigan was going to go grid down due to high demand.

The superfreeze storm swept east into New York, with some of the same warnings. Snow squall warnings were issued in areas further east. Notice that square in the map.

When you look at the radar loop here, that square looks ferocious! This is coming through Buffalo, and it’s passing right over in New York. This is why the warnings are out for New York City and the New England states, because exact same type of weather is heading there next, over the weekend.

With all the evidence of a Grand Solar Minimum intensification event, what I found most fascinating is the corporate media is still trying to peg this whole thing on CO2 as the reason for all these record cold. This doesn’t make sense to me, because in my whole life growing up, CO2 meant record warmth, not record cold, but somehow, they are trying to flip it, (Hot = Cold).
Look at these last 10,000 years of temperature off GISP2 Ice Core data. We only need to look back 4,000 years or less to see three other temperature spikes above our global temperatures today: Minoan Warming, Roman Warming and Medieval Warming periods. Interestingly, I noticed that they always stop at Medieval Warming, saying, today’s temperatures were the same as Medieval Warming. Even if I were true the Roman Warming and Minoan Warming we’re even warmer than the Medieval Warming period.

Anyway, when you see temperature graphs like this and you know that we’re heading into a Grand Solar Minimum and global cooling starting now.
When you see events of temperature plunges like these, two and two actually equals four. This is an event that is tied directly to the Sun going into a lower activity state. If you’re not yet familiar with what a Grand Solar Minimum is, all the links are listed at the end of the article so you can check out some the research on your own.

Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast in a 30-minute and on-the-go format is also available, discussing these same issues of what a Grand Solar Minimum is, how is it going to affect your family and your lives, and how can you protect yourself and prosper during this entire event.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.
Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast
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*** Today’s Story Links ***
By the numbers: Midwestern US endures worst of polar vortex, all-time record lows broken
Polar vortex’s bitter cold could cost US economy $5 billion, though the worst may be over
77 below zero? Polar vortex yields deadly cold as thousands endure power cuts, travel issues mount in Midwest
NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE maps of shattered temperature records
Temperature anomaly map New York & USA®ion=us&pkg=T2ma&runtime=2019020118&fh=6
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