How Can I Access The Divine Presence of God?

in #grace6 years ago (edited)

Many are not interested with the giver but tend to
pick more interest in the gift given by the giver,oh
what an irony of situation. I want to liken
accessing the divine presence of God with ATM
users,I discover 80%,of those who access the
ATM for cash withdrawal never deem it
appropriate to greet or even say hello to whoever
they meet at the ATM gallery irrespective of the
caliber of persons they meet,their major interest is
basically on the cash or whatever transaction
they have in mind to do: guess what? when they
encounter any difficulty they become humble by
seeking the help of Security Operatives,Police,and
even the ATM custodians whom they have absent
mindedly ignored,most especially when the
Machine had swallowed their card.
My point is this: we often come into God's
presence with so much petition or request to
submit to God, not even remembering to
reference God.
How do you reference God? By coming with a
thankful heart and giving praises,honour,
adoration unto his holy presence by so doing you
invoke his divine presence upon your life and that
saves you the stress of allowing your card get
trapped before referencing those around,likewise
you don't need to wait till you get into
problem,challenges,before you give God the
honor due to him. God bless you.


@mrsjoseph, congratulations on making your first post! I gave you a $.05 vote!
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