Actions by U.S. Government pushable by death until order is restored.

in #government2 years ago

August 15 2AM 2023
I’m here informing the U.S. Government of their illegal operations being performed. The acts in which are seen by many, countless of times that still occur, clearly a crime of sedition following among persons across legal prisons guilty for criminal charges, war crimes by lack of accountability. Where kidnapping & keeping my children hostage after acts of genocide across America puts persons into U.S. Government liable. Many times reporting nature of criminal activity, providing evidence towards criminal charges by persons, including providing information to the public, that to act on behalf of our nations law, eliminating persons of U.S. Government necessary by all means. Execution upheld by the people, that risk to U.S. government increases when laws are defiled further, pursuing the unfit until Rights of the people, the constitution is acknowledged, laws are up upheld, U.S. Government allows unlawful course of actions into a removal by death penalty for persons, legal persons of U.S. government just, their unfit nature reason enough, the only forward action given. Unlawful actions must be taken serious, granting the people a right to bare arms against the government, all incorporated branches until the accountability by persons is restored.

Aug 14, 2023 at 18:23 by [email protected]:

A U G 1 3 2 0 2 3
A U G 1 3 2 0 2 3

Aug 13, 2023, 02:20 by [email protected]:
reiterated upon guilty persons, by constitutional means, international & field manual that I, myself, children deemed fully innocent upon the doubt of persons during times children held hostage. I, Jonathan Edward Bower, Victor R. Bower, Vincent A. Bower being people contain Rights, which provide correct measures between lawful intentions. The unlawful course of action by persons of U.S. Government provide no benefit being guilty for criminal charges & that a continues attempt to criminalize innocent people to defend actions is void a remedy. persons taking part speak upon U.S. Government legality, claiming further liability which already crosses multiple courtrooms, fulfilling lawsuit, mail fraud, impersonation, falsely criminalization & defaulting against liability, criminal charges in which proscribe clear legal action onto persons, legal persons with criminal charges set by myself during a deadline.. the intent to further criminalize afterwards is unprofessional & a poor way to deal with actual proof, facts & position persons continue to find them selves in. These actions are made publicly, avoiding the circumstances further puts criminal charges on persons through liability. the law is to be made clear.
I’m Jonathan Edward Bower from Muskogee Oklahoma. Sgt Gray, Megan Sharon Army. Persons Operates under U.S. jurisdiction to kidnap & hold children hostage Vincent A. Bower & Victor R. Bower. Human Trafficking, out of Corrections Pedophile Ring U.S. government extorts while attacking the economy on Nasdaq insider trading with franchise incorporated regime, racketeering Swiss monopoly forum.

Children, Vincent & Victor Bower taken to Illinois were U.S. Government holding them hostage, relocating to obscure evidence that assist U.S. Government to kidnap. Reports lead to mass graves of children found; U.S. government release report post Covid until Government insist to keep children hostage, children frequently taken while attempting to create volume of paperwork fraudulently via authorities to pushback court & entrust with offers to Blackmail & life threaten through ordeal, the fatal abuse as environment administrated take place. Oklahoma will shut down Supreme Court. Protecting Persons from legal consequences, identity is proclaimed as a funded incentive within U.S Government. U.S. Government is found defaulting in a number of cases prior, including lawsuit & criminal charges outlining ALL persons & legal persons, trustee, private actors for U.S Government Guilty for Criminal Chargers. Bribing family members & position regime to outfit city, towns within Operation. Operation via personnel with letter that criminal activity expressed concern over personnel life included. Lack of concern of people’s life, my children lives & their rights. Deeming necessary involvement surrounding U.S. Government Persons that involve Genocide. Attempts to establish a policy form outside U.S. Government Corporation to fraudulently threat legality, impersonation of Director & expression to property, policy maliciously counterfeit documents.
11:50PM July27 2023


11:59PM Tues May 1st

U.S. Government Accountability towards Trustee of Persons practicing misconduct & offers personal favors as Remedy for the criminal charges pertaining to Jonathan Edward Bower vs Legal Persons & Persons. Attempting to force trade between victims over war efforts with sexual exploitation. U.S. Government Displaying hostile & pedophile behavior that takes place across all acts of crimes including kidnapping & times during children kept hostage. A Final ruling had been agreed upon by U.S. Government, which I, Jonathan Edward Bower declared once again the criminal charges the U.S. government is guilty for is completely not within the scope of Law by constitution, international nor field manual & Government ruling that persons & legal persons are charged with crimes of war & incident above an illegal act under. U.S. Government relies on their persons to commit further acts of crimes with sexual favors a course of action to dismiss legality, rightfully disagreed to uphold the integrity of the Law. Corrections of U.S. Government furthering acts of war through trustee violence. Motion over personal affair, too delicate, declared unlawful or war on America a firm choice in U.S. Government operation a provided trustee to fulfill, proving orders above by U.S. Regime operations that only benefit the U.S. Government, hyperbole deviates the illegal act by positioning embarrassment, sexually exploited or trustee to criminalize a right to bare, law is to be made clear & U.S. government does not have rights in the people’s rights to remain innocent. U.S. government will not withhold information.

The above is a confirmed encounter with Legal Person of U.S. government by Jonathan Edward Bower, as this is written proof in the orders to ensure accountability, U.S. Government exhaust all legal capabilities to defend them selves, therefore true being an act of War & illegal trade. finalizing the terms with persuasion instead of legality claim would be understood by U.S. Government in which a disagreement by myself forfeits the Right of U.S. Government refuting the claims against them, As persons & legal persons admit fault to crimes & extensive time involved that lead up to a reason to many criminal charges & over the disruption in the life of Jonathan E. Bower, Vincent A. Bower & Victor R. Bower. As U.S. Government refuse legal remedy, & void of safe return of the children of Mr. Bower the next course of action U.S. Government commands, which shows intent to continue to be allowed illegally involved & purposefully conducting criminal activity & breaking the law, war crimes are to be acknowledged as acts to continue are applicable to persons & legal persons by choice.

Regime order continues to contaminants outside militant funded base of operations. Legality is superseded by illegal operations. Occurred behavior is a danger to society, eliminating threat continues. Danger will continue & will execute problems if not contained by law. Law Enforcement, Courts, Trustee & Officials are responsible, the demand for death penalty is adamant & necessary. Life at risk puts U.S. Government as a Hostile Militant Organization & all to work for put to death, shot on site.

Substance over form. Law is to be made clear.

U.S. Government, ALL incorporated branches Guilty for Criminal Charges. Deadline to respond had been provided. Letters back without remedy from two presidents.

By the Constitution & Rule of Law, Government person & Legal person found without proof capable to Govern America, nor proof of their innocence by Attorney general, Judge & Two leaders.

Donald Trump & Joe Biden, therefore Guilty of criminal charges.

Ignored Speedy & Trial by Jury, constantly warned.

Court Clerk Criminal Charges, Law enforcement Criminal Charges and Official Misconduct due to Coverup of Operation, people murdered. Cover up by Blacklist & DNS Block, tampering with communications. Account tampering. My children were kidnapped due to an illegal operation by US Government, and PSYOP of Army with Sgt. Gray and her family Paries. A lot of details in ordeal sent, the censorship & federal operators, state police and homeland security enforcing the military technology surrounding involvement. population control network & ISP monopoly as multiple corporate entities transparent on collapse of economy. Constant DDOS & banks froze or assets stolen. violations by Google, Microsoft, Apple security breech, back door & force intrusion. Prevention & diversion towards legal action has traces into situation, including the public announcement of Covid. The fraudulently worked legal paperwork to pivot legality of custody & lawsuits. Vehicles stolen or dastroyed. Home owner paperwork ignored and fraudulently created deeds are being processed. Court Docket ignored, court rooms shut down, biological & chemical weapons utilized to murder, immobilize or weaken. Alternate identities utilized to pursue criminal charges & falsely imprisonment. Identified trustee, officials & workers are clear to the history of myself, post occupation or military service of Sgt. Gray is fact. Identity of many taken for insurgent, foreign attackers, Identity of dead Americans utilized as an alias. Large scale invasion & dead bodies are vaguely provided a legal explanation to allow members of U.S. Government in power, or alive.

Muskogee Oklahoma residing Militant Group & State ignores necessary measures to close off town, which town is completely taken over by regime. Town of Muskogee shuts down Supreme Court & Hospital refuses to obey Oklahoma or American Laws, claims the facilities are not of either Oklahoma nor America.

