
in #gov5 months ago

Chemtrails at the United Nations in 2006. DMs open, follow me on all my socials, link in my profile or add me on all my socials at joeyarnoldvn. Chemtrails was mentioned in 2006 at the United Nations by Rosalind Peterson, geoengineering is not helping climate change or global warming, this was at the UN, she mentioned weather modification and how it affects agriculture. She said the federal government of the United States, the Air Force and NASA sent chemicals into the atmosphere to modify and experiment with our ionosphere, toxic heavy metals is polluting drinking water, aluminum via acid rain affects soils causing synthetic droughts. It's spreading aluminum, molds, fungus and mildew into the root systems of crops and trees making them unable to absorb the nutrients they need like a cop standing on the throat of George Floyd to suffocate him to death, trees are dying from the top down.

Crazy people attack all President-elect Donald Trump supporters in America and yet TikTok gives me a strike for this video song that has nothing to do with the election or Kamala Harris or Biden or Elon Musk. Like Brexit, the 3rd Donald J Trump Administration Victory was our Amerixit, our exit from global tyranny who is still trying to stop Kari Lake in Arizona, President Biden should watch out, RFKjr MAHA.

Chemtrails at the United Nations in 2006. Tomatoes. Random Yoko. Videos: RV video, I compared an actress from The Ark to the sidekick of Morgan in Fear The Walking Dead. RV videos on TikTok giving and removing my strike on me saying Trump won and Obama went somewhere. Watched: Owen Shroyer War Room, From 108, Rumble: Steven Crowder - How & Why Trump Won the Presidency, Dave Smith on Alex Jones, War Room, Obama government raided Alfie's store in Florida, Kimmel ROASTED For CRYING Over Trump Win, Liberal Hosts LOSE IT w/Michael Knowles | Timcast IRL at Dailywire, Rumble: Tucker Carlson at Trump's place in Florida - Tucker Carlson Election Night LIVE From Mar-a-Lago With Special Guests like Don Jr, Vivek, RFK Jr


Screenshot at 2024-11-07 23-50-54 Vivek.png
Vivek on Tucker Carlson at Trump in Florida

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-11-07 - Thursday | Published in November of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png
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DMs open, follow me on all my socials, link in my profile or add me on all my socials at joeyarnoldvn


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-11-07 - Thursday - 12:02 PM - Discord Log

170/ I tried telling people why I demoted people; not only do people not even try to look at what I said online about what I did but they also don't try to ponder the fact they promoted the wrong people which tells me there are big problems happening right now which is scary. 171/ I need better admins to be placed higher than many of the current gods in my Oatmeal World Discord Server since many of the mods in this group don't really seem to have the skills and wisdom to figure things out at a high enough level. 172/ I've said this before for years but I have to say it again, it seems not enough people read and watch what I'm trying to say when I say the best of the best should be promoted higher and higher to even higher roles in my chat group on Discord, the worst needs to be demoted. 173/ But one of the many problems is it seems many of the gods in my server have no clue who to promote and demote and they have no mechanism for determining which roles people should have which tells me most of my gods and others should be demoted below admins or mods even. 174/ I will continue to keep my eyes open for managers and leaders who can revolutionize Oatmeal World; it's dissapointing to see people there being incompetant; they seem to be clueless about how to run things which makes me sad as I try very hard to believe in them and what not. 175/ I'd be tempted to promote the first person in my server who shares screenshots and links of these Elon Musk Twitter X tweets in Oatmeal World to show me they care and what not; but many people rarely study what I put out onto the Internet which includes even this. 176/ But my point is not that people should always read everything I write, tho it might help; but my point is it seems people have no idea who to promote and they end up promoting weirdos to super high positions and that is just wrong; I've tried telling people this before. 177/ But they don't seem to get it, they don't seem to know what they are doing; they just promote and demote whoever for no reason; that is why they are probably not owners of my group; we are still on the hunt for owners and what not of the Oatmeal World Discord Server. 178/ I tried telling everybody in videos and blogs and tweets about why I left my Discord Server and yet many if not everybody in server have no idea I left my server in October of 2024 and I might not be back until 2025 or beyond and I tried telling everyone why and what not. 179/ I tried telling everybody about this for years on TikTok, YouTube, Discord, Facebook, Twitter X, Rumble, Bitchute, daily blog posts, articles, about my Discord Demands, about what I was trying to do, what I wanted, about how I needed to leave as things were not working. 180/ But no matter how many times I try to tell everyone about all of this on all the websites and apps for years, it seems nobody cares nor remembers nor gets what I am trying to say; you'll find people to this day with no clue that I left my server last month & they don't care. 181/ Seems there are too many trolls and what not in my server who just do whatever which sure they're free to do but I was also hoping for Oatmeal Heirs and others to rise up the ranks in the Oatmeal Pyramid of Power because they're the future for our movement and what not. 01:01 PM: 182/ Big Spike acted like a troll bribing me on my TikTok Live Stream Videos at joeyarnoldvn which other people do; Spike would say weird things and promote and demote the wrong people in my Discord Server; so I demoted Spike; and then Spike left; that tells me I was right. 183/ Many people don't seem to get it in my own server making the leadership team there broken, other people would leave when they were demoted as well outside of Spike which means it was good they were demoted as they are not the right people for the job; we need better people. 184/ What is worst is the people who promoted people like Spike and others; they made the mistakes to promote the wrong people or they did it on purpose in the first place which means people who promoted the bad people should be demoted bigly. 185/ Not sure if I should be laughing or crying, these fools are idiots, they are either very dumb or they're all trolls spamming my server for kicks and giggles; they're too lazy to answer their own questions; I try answering their questions in my videos and everywhere else too. 186/ I don't know if they are too blind or too lazy or what but they ask questions but lack the ability to find out I already answered all their questions which is so weird to not want to. 187/ Tubby at Trwtt at 1096081685809991771 was promoted to Admin by Shinichi Izumi at yvule at 399983008397918219.

Twitter Tweets

12:25 AM

Chemtrails was mentioned in 2006 at the United Nations by Rosalind Peterson, geoengineering is not helping climate change or global warming, this was at the UN, she mentioned weather modification and how it affects agriculture. She said the federal government of the United States, the Air Force and NASA sent chemicals into the atmosphere to modify and experiment with our ionosphere, toxic heavy metals is polluting drinking water, aluminum via acid rain affects soils causing synthetic droughts. It's spreading aluminum, molds, fungus and mildew into the root systems of crops and trees making them unable to absorb the nutrients they need like a cop standing on the throat of George Floyd to suffocate him to death, trees are dying from the top down. She said geoengineering is a defensive correction approach that causes more problems in the long-term than it might solve as it doesn't focuses on prevention with trying to stop pollution which mostly comes from China and India; the sky is a pea soup of deadly chemicals.

01:57 AM
Crazy people attack all President-elect Donald Trump supporters in America and yet TikTok gives me a strike for this video song that has nothing to do with the election or Kamala Harris or Biden or Elon Musk. Why did TikTok give me a strike for this silly video song where I said Trump won and Obama went somewhere, that is all I said in the video. TikTok gave me a strike for this video song where I said, "As soon as Donald Trump won, Obama hopped on a plane to Dubai." This was posted after the election and didn't violate community guidelines. My video has nothing to do with the election, it was a silly fictional song posted after Trump won the 2024 General Election, I said Obama flew to Dubai which is a rumor, this is just me singing random words, free speech exists in America. President-Elect Donald J Trump should look at how TikTok is attacking free speech where I sang a song saying Trump won and Obama flew to another country, I should be allowed to say that, @tiktok_us is letting the Democratic Party attack the Presidency & Arizona. TikTok gave me a strike citing Civic and Election Integrity and yet my video song didn't violate that at all because all I said in the video was, "As soon as Donald Trump won, Obama hopped on a plane to Dubai."

02:26 PM
Like Brexit, the 3rd Donald J Trump Administration Victory was our Amerixit, our exit from global tyranny who is still trying to stop Kari Lake in Arizona, President Biden should watch out, RFKjr MAHA.

03:09 PM
Trump 1.3M
Ruben 1.2M
Kari Lake 1.1M
Kamala Harris 1.1M

They want us to believe over 100,000+ people who voted for Donald J Trump in the 2024 General Election didn't also vote for Kari Lake in Arizona

Ruben Gallego got 70,000+ more votes than Harris?

1M votes not counted
DMs open, follow me on all my socials, link in my profile or add me on all my socials at joeyarnoldvn

03:28 PM
TikTok put this disclaimer thing on my song video I posted after Trump won, all I said was Trump won, I said Obama went somewhere, TikTok gave me a strike and added their ad for the Associated Press which didn't counter anything I said.

07:38 PM
I don't know if @ChrissieMayr knows Japanese @randomyoko who has been covering Trump in English for many years on YouTube, Yoko is a delight, I've been following Yoko for years


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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

From 108

2024-11-07 - Thursday - 03:30 AM - From 108

The cop was military for 30 years, his wife Marines. They show how and when they first arrived. People hiding in holes.

01:49 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Thursday 11/7/24 • COMIC DAVE SMITH - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

02:00 PM
It was amazing seeing @CandiceHorbacz with @RealAlexJones during the 3rd @realDonaldTrump victory, this is a week before the left tries to auction off Infowars to the highest bidder next week, Trump should focus on finding the lost sex-trafficked children in America.

08:12 PM
Liberal Women: "I can't have an abortion anymore? Fine, I'm not gonna have sex."
--Owen Shroyer

Here is a list of what I'm watching

11:48 PM
Tucker Carlson - Tucker Carlson Election Night LIVE From Mar-a-Lago With Special Guests

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed 05:00 AM. I got up at 11:30 AM. RV video, I compared an actress nurse doctor from The Ark to the sidekick of Morgan in Fear The Walking Dead. Breakfast: 12:00 PM. Lunch: 01:25 PM. Tomatoes. Dishes. Mail. Compost. RV coffee. RV videos on TikTok giving and removing my strike on me saying Trump won and Obama went somewhere. Sorted in book shed at 05:00 PM for an hour. Dinner: 06:15 PM. Scans. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 12:00 PM. Apple, 12:33 PM. Lunch: soup, 01:25 PM. Dinner: soup, 06:15 PM. Nuts. Yogurt with strawberry jam, very delicious, 07:16 PM. Tea. Nap around 09:00 PM for an hour.