daily menus of the diet to lose weight in fat

in #gourmet6 years ago


INGREDIENTS for 2 people

2 red tomatoes
200 gr of fresh cheese, mozzarella, goat curl or feta cheese (if you do not have the cheese that I recommend you to use any tender cheese you like)
Fresh basil
extra virgin olive oil
Sherry or balsamic vinegar
black pepper and salt

1 We spread a peeled garlic and cut it in half if we like it by the source where we are going to serve.

2 Cut the tomatoes into thin slices (about half a centimeter) and place them in the dish. Sandwich with cheese slices or taquitos and some fresh basil leaves and season with extra virgin olive oil, a splash of vinegar and salt. Above we give a few hits to the pepper grinder.

3 We serve very cold, freshly made. You can also chop black olives to decorate, or anchovies.

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Super light lentil salad

320 g of cooked pardinas lentils
50 g of cabbage
50 g of green beans
1 carrot, 1 spring onion and 2 tomatoes
½ red pepper and 1 yellow
1 lemon
2 tablespoons of honey
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 sprigs of coriander
½ dl olive oil, salt and black pepper

If you want to incorporate more legumes to the diet, but you're fed up with the traditional (and very heavy) stews of a lifetime, you have to try this lentil salad super light.

By dispensing with the chorizo, bacon, potato and fried bread of the classic stewed lentils, we not only get a 100% guilt-free recipe of only 197 calories, but also a vegetarian dish and, in addition, 100% vegan, since It has absolutely no original animal ingredients.


1 Prepare the vegetables. First, scrape the carrot and clean the chives, and wash both. Then, clean and wash the peppers and cabbage. And cut them all in juliana. Finally, wash the tomatoes and cut them into strips, eliminating the seeds.

2 Cook the beans. Remove them, wash them, cut them into julienne and cook them for about 5 minutes in salted water. And once cooked, refrigerate them in cold water and drain them.

3 Make the vinaigrette. In a bowl, mix lemon juice with honey, cumin, and oil.

4 Assemble the salad. Rinse the cooked lentils and drain them. Mix them with the vegetables, salt and pepper and sprinkle with the honey and lemon vinaigrette. And to decorate, add some washed coriander leaves.
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Pea cream with hard boiled eggs

Coge una olla y ponle una cucharada de mantequilla y una pizca de aceite. Ponlo a fuego lento. Pela y pica la cebolla muy final y añádela. Déjala hasta que se poche. Agrega entonces ¾ litros de agua y añade la patata pelada y partida en trozos. Deja hervir unos 10 minutos.
Agrega ahora otra cucharada de mantequilla y un poco de aceite y súmale los guisantes. Deja que cuezan entre 5 y 10 minutos. Retira del fuego y tritura todo. Pasa por el chino, y ¡ya está lista la crema! Cuece dos huevos hasta que se endurezcan completamente. Sirve en los platos la crema y completa con el huevo duro troceado y decora con unas ramitas de perejil.descargar (19).jpg![images (11).jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQngghF7hReKiYiXT4ZuvFVCgaqBkWk2RcizjLf3PBWoE/images%20(11).jp

Papillote of cod with vegetables

4 servings of fresh or desalted cod loin
2 carrots
300 g of flat green beans
2 large potatoes
1 clove garlic
1 sprig of thyme
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

The technique of the papillote has a myriad of advantages: it can be done with almost any food, allows you to make preparations with the least possible fat, and preserves the natural flavors of all the ingredients.

If you want, you can start by trying this cod chip with vegetables that only has 235 calories per serving. In addition to being light and very healthy, it is an ultra-easy dish to make.


1 Cortar las zanahorias y las judías. Primero, raspa y lava las zanahorias, y córtalas en bastoncitos muy finos y cortos. Luego, despunta las judías y, si las tienen, retira las hebras. Lávalas y córtalas del mismo modo que las zanahorias.
1 Cut the carrots and beans. First, scrape and wash the carrots, and cut them into very thin and short sticks. Then, blunt the beans and, if they do, remove the strands. Wash them and cut them in the same way as carrots.

2 Prepare the potatoes. Peel the potatoes, wash them, and cut them into slices. Place three or four superimposed, and cut them into sticks the same size as those of beans and carrots

3 Add the chopped garlic. Arrange all the vegetables in a bowl, add the peeled and chopped garlic, salt and pepper, water it all with a tablespoon of oil, and stir.

4 Wash the fish. Preheat the oven to 200o. Meanwhile, wash the fish and dry it with kitchen paper, on the one hand. And on the other, cut 4 sheets of sulfurized paper about 40 cm on each side (one per person). Fold them in half as if you were making a book, and unfold again.

5 Assemble the papillote. Brush with oil the inside of the papers, leaving a clean margin around. Place the cut vegetables in it, the cod on top, and a sprig of washed thyme.

6 Bake and serve. Seal the four papillotes by folding the ends several times inwards. Bake them and serve right away.

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skewers of chicken with vegetables, original


Chicken breast
2 tomatoes
1 slice of bacon
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 tablespoon oil
3 garlic cloves
Salt and pepper


1 First, chop the breast into small tacos and let it marinate in a mixture made with lemon juice, chopped garlic, salt and pepper for at least 1 hour.

2 Pasado ese tiempo, trocea las verduras en lonchas y pásalas por la sartén junto con el beicon.

3 Cuando se hayan enfriado un poco, inserta alternadamente los tacos de pollo con las verduras (tomate, pimiento rojo, pimiento verde).

4 When you have the skewers to your liking, you can cook them on the grill, on the grill or in the oven, leaving them toasted and crispy. Afterwards, it is best to combine them with something fresh like a gazpacho or a pasta salad.!

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Beef carpaccio

Ingredients for 4 people:

200 g of beef sirloin
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and ground black pepper.
The juice of a lemon.
Arugula leaves to decorate.



Carpaccio is a really delicious and simple dish to prepare. The only thing we have to do is cut the meat into finite, almost transparent fillets and season them with salt, ground pepper and extra virgin olive oil.


We remove the meat from the freezer 15 or 20 minutes before cutting it so that it is not excessively hard.

Next, we cut it into very thin fillets and beat them with the flat part of the knife until they are almost transparent.


A trick with which it will be easier to get some very fine fillets, is to place them between two sheets of transparent paper, with a few drops of oil on each side so they do not stick.

Then they hit with the blade of the knife, crushing them until they are very finite.

We place the steaks on a large plate with some parmesan shavings. We pepper and sprinkle with a good extra virgin olive oil.

Finally, we decorate with some leaves of arugula or fresh basil.

I like to add a splash of lemon juice because in addition to the curious mixture of flavors, the acid cooks the meat lightly, but if you prefer, simply add the oil.

Note: Parmesan shavings are obtained by scraping the cheese with a vegetable peeler or knife.

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Pumpkin cream without fat (pot -express)

4 people
600 g clean pumpkin
2 large onions
1 large leek
4 medium carrots
pepper, salt (or 2 tablets of chicken broth) olive oil
1.5 liters water
1 large zucchini peeled into pieces

1 In the pot-express put olive oil and brown the pumpkin (about 5 min) add the onion and brown (about 10 min.) Stirring occasionally

2 Add the carrot, zucchini and leek. Brown everything about 3 min. stirring

3 Add a little ground pepper, nutmeg and salt.

4 Add Water close the pot-express à medium fire

4 When the valve turns, wait for about 9 minutes and put out the fire

6 Open the pot-express and beat the pumpkin cream.

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Roast beef with applesauce

500 g of roast beef in one piece
3 apples
1 lemon
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Olive oil
Roast beef alone is not one of the most caloric dishes that exist, but its traditional accompaniment: mashed potatoes.

In our version 100% free of fault of the recipe, we have replaced it with applesauce (which saved us almost 300 calories). A puree that, in addition to being much lighter than the potato, gives the roast beef a much more festive point and that sweet touch that goes so well with the meat. Rich, rich, rich ...


  1. Cooking the meat. To do this, the first thing you have to do is preheat the oven to 180o. While it is warming up, salt the meat and brown it in a pan with a few drops of oil. Then, pass it to a refractory dish and grill it in the oven for about 30 minutes, if you like pink meat, or about 60 minutes if you prefer it more made. Finally, remove it and, once cold, cut it into slices as thin as possible.

  2. Prepare the puree. First, peel the apples, remove the heart and cut them. Then, put them in a saucepan and cover them over very low heat with 4 tablespoons of water for about 20 minutes. Towards the end of the cooking, remove the lid and finish cooking them over high heat so that the liquid evaporates. Then, remove them from the fire and pass them through the mill.

  3. Emplatar and serve. Add a touch of salt and pepper to the applesauce, cinnamon powder and a few drops of roast juice from the piece of meat. You only need to serve the slices of roast beef, washed down with the juice of the roast and accompanied by the applesauce.

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