Watch out for your ankles - #Googlyeyes
His brother travels through space, accompanying humans to new worlds.
Stabbing aliens.
Defending ships.
Preventing assassinations.
Cleaning dirt.
He is still stuck on Earth, training to be one day on his brothers level.
His name is ...
Stabby 2.0

For those who have no idea what I am talking about and are too lazy to click through the link provided above, "Stabby the Roomba" is a character that was created on tumblr. Several users created a fictional universe where humans travel space, and Earth is regarded as "The Australia of the Universe" because the conditions on our world are actually pretty deadly, and humans can withstand a shitload of awful stuff.
Stabby is a Roomba on a human space ship. A Roomba with a knife taped to it. Just because it's fun.
If you like the concept of "humans are terrifying", I can recommend "The Damned Trilogy".
Looks scary enough without the knife already. Which makes me wonder... where's his knife?! What is this? Half-assery or does he have a concealed carry license?!
He isn't allowed to carry a weapon - yet.
Edit: I just noticed it should be "his brother's" but now I'm too lazy to log into my other account to edit.
oh I see... so it is half-assery, served cold with some witty excuses...
[edit: I'm just aggressively trying to convince you to ductape a knife to that roomba]