Google GoogleCrowdsource - enrich our mother language on the internet.

in #googlecrowdsource7 years ago


We are grateful to our Honorable teacher Md Safaet Hossain (Head of CSE Department ) for precious Speech and having us Interactions with such as Community. A bunch of thanks to Sumaiya Zafrin Chowdhury apu Md T A Shibli vaiya Mohammed Nawazuddin vaiya for their awesome session.
I am also grateful to my all teachers for guidance, Support and believing in me.

Last but not the least, Thank you all of my junior and seniors, brothers and sisters, who attended the program. Hope you all guys keep it up same as you do it now!!
The campaign has begun. Keep contributing and enrich our mother language on the internet. And yes make your position top of the leaderboard ;)

#GoogleCrowdsource #Bangla #Bangladesh #CityUniversity