Not goo... but boogle - Not .com... but .io

in #google5 years ago

So disgusted with corporate manipulation and sale of data, I am looking for options.

I have tried Yandex and DuckDuckGo for real results. Those are not perfect, in that, they present what they want you to see before presenting you with the information you are searching for.

I have noticed the uselessness of Google and some of the DuckDuckGo results. I search for terms, followed by a Crtl+F to search the results list for see if my search terms are there. Related to programming, I rarely find anything relative to the language and code that I am searching for. I used to work at a search firm - all of the tools I used back then no longer work.

Then the sale of my location and history, if they can obtain it, goes against my rights to be "secure in my house, papers, and effects..." as recognized by the government (the earlier non-authoritarian one) and given to me by my creator.

Since every one of them swore to protect this

But, have betrayed their oath, it is time we take our rights back.

This means anonymising our search, our money, and our documents. Boogle seems to allow us to search without being seen. They even provide an integrated VPN at no cost. VPNs are much quicker than things like TOR or Whonix.

Boogle is blockchain based

There are miners, nodes, and storage nodes which are being populated by a blockchain web-crawler, basically redoing all of what goof-ball did years ago. That provides hope that real results will be shown as found and not manipulated by those receiving payoffs to mislead the sheep.


Have you notices a sort of dual reality?

Over the last four or five years you will find people who believe what they see on the legacy news, and others who believe conspiracy theories. Would you agree?

Should information be faith based? Is it a belief system?

No matter which group you are in, you have to agree that cable news has been wrong and conspiracies have also been wrong. So it has a lot to do with the information being served up to the pubic, specifically, the information that is later proven to be inaccurate (on either side) yet the majority never sees the retraction. I have never seen a retraction go viral.

For your own sanity, you should be looking for something that searches the entire internet, and with boogle you will have the ability to vote down things that are not "appropriate", whatever that looks like. But at least, this search engine is attempting to give us a full search.

Lastly, they pay you in Boo tokens

From day one without asking your real name or birthday, they give you a private key and each search adds to your wallet. No referral links that I have seen. I am not pushing this site. It is only a baby and its growth / accuracy depends on getting more new users and miners.

This functional idea is less than a year old. See the full WhitePaper here for more information on mining, proof of stake, and plans for and boomail.

This one is worth watching!

questions or comments are welcome
I have read the WhitePaper
but I only have a couple of days experience. using it.



Thanks for the excellent information.
I gave Boogle a go from pure curiosity and searched for "Google".
Guess what, Boogle did not show any results!