"Don't Be Evil.. That's Our Job" - Uncovering the dark side of Google ("Goo Ghoul") - Part 3 - Google's satanic symbolism

in #google7 years ago (edited)


In the two previous posts of this series we've had a close look at the intelligence agency front company Google. Since then Facebook has been called out in the major media for their abuse of your personal data, but Google's personal data capture is almost "Facebook on steroids." Don't believe it? Have a read of this article on the amount of personal data that Google captures.

In terms of collecting your data, Google has a very similar intelligence role to Facebook, but Google captures your data via many more channels and much more passively. You don't post your whole life story on Google, but rather you use Google to search for and store all your data as well as allow them to operate your mobile phone. In the future Google will also run your smart house, run your autonomous vehicle, check your vitals via a smart watch, provide you ubiquitous internet access, provide you a standard payment platform, etc. You just need to think a tiny bit to fully imagine how much personal data can and will be collected on you by having Google as the "man in middle" for just about every technical device you own.

Although certainly not the best movie I've ever seen (especially the very lame ending), if you want to have an idea of where Google and these other intelligence front companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Palantir are going in the future, have a watch of the recent movie "The Circle." If the picture they paint doesn't freak you out completely, you haven't been paying attention. They want total surveillance and a big data file on everyone for everything. See my previous article on China as an NWO testbed to get a number of real life examples of this.

As a comparison, the two clips below show The Circle's predictive programming of what is coming and the second clip shows the real Chinese system in place already.. I can pretty much guarantee, this is what Google is already doing for the government and will be doing even more so in the future:

Why we should be very worried at the information Google has on each of us

You wouldn't even trust your family and friends to have all this data on you, but what if the people that had all this information are indirectly telling you that they work for intelligence agencies? Well that information has already been pointed out in the past two posts of the series.

Now take this is step further, what if these intelligence agency goons (which are almost always known to be part of secret societies - e.g. Skulls and Bones, Knights of Malta, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, etc.) are now providing you with company logos that are clearly based upon symbols from satanists, luciferians, and freemasons. Would that creep you out? It certainly should..

Let's have a look at some Google symbols and compare them to known satanic, luciferic, and freemasonic symbols to get right to the point here:

"The Sigil of Lucifer" as the Google Play logo

Lucifer sigil.jpg



(And let's not forget the Luciferian connection to the cryptocurrency EOS here while we're at it:)


"The Mark of the Beast" (666) as the Google Chrome logo


A Freemason apron as the Google Mail logo


For those that don't know that top level freemasons worship Lucifer, then you need to do some research on Albert Pike and his admittance to this in what is essentially the freemasonic bible called "Morals and Dogma." However it is not just Pike that has admitted to the worship of Lucifer in freemasonry. Have a look at the link here for far more quotes from many other freemasons.

Decoding the real meaning of the name "Google"

We are told that a "googol" is a made up name to represent 10 to the power of 100 and that the name was selected due to the massive search power of Google. What you are not told is that Google (or googol) really comes from an Arabic root that translates to "goo ghoul." Let's look at couple of examples to point this out:

  • Alcohol - The word itself comes from Arabic word "Al Khul" which means "body eating spirit" which is where we get the word "ghoul." This is why alcohol also has names like "spirits" and "booze"(or "böse") meaning "evil" in German

  • Algol - A programming language (and a star system) that uses the same Arabic basis as above. An "algorithm" is therefore the work of a ghoul or demon and this is also why you have "daemon" programs in Unix that run as background processes

  • Ra's al Ghul - Lastly, let's not forget the Batman arch-nemisis whose name means "ghoul's head" or "demon's head" from the exact same etymological roots

The name Goo-gol was not a harmless accident, it was to indicate that those creating the company were giving birth to an almost infinitely spreading "black goo" demon / ghoul. This is of course very apropos to what they have done with the company to date. (It also matches to the "black goo" symbolism that we see in the first two videos below.)

For all of you that still don't believe that elite Luciferians run companies like Google

I suggest that if you still don't believe that Luciferians are running the governments, intelligence agencies, and major corporations like Google have a read of my previous posts as well as have a watch of the videos below. These should give you some good insights on exactly what these Luciferians believe and what they are up to beyond spying on us, slowly genociding us, and implementing their New World Order:


Thanks very much for the upvote and the positive feedback

Thanks a lot! It's very much appreciated

Nice to see others are figuring out the above clues as well:

Excellent work :). Resteemed.

well, yes, they are the male spirit circle. But many of those guys&gals went to yogis and shamans to learn from them, so their workings are not necessarily only in the physical but also in spirit. Like for instance the anthropologist Michael Harner, who was also a shaman, and was frequently present at the meetings of the Satanic Church. So, who was the one having spiritual influence there Michael Harner? His spiritual teachers and guardians? A spiritual teacher has all the impact on an apprentice and wraps sort of a cocoon around the person in the physical. And, shamans are only humans, with all the human characteristics, good or bad, only with the spiritual power of a hurricane. I'm just wondering why didn't they wipe us all out on this planet already. I guess they needed other humans just yet, either for work or play.