Exposing the Powers-that-Be...We'll See How Well THIS Goes!

in #google8 years ago

How ironic is it that, as they virtue signal and claim to be champions for tolerance and diversity, Google shows themselves to be one of the most intolerant non-diversified companies on the planet.  And to add one more level of irony to the entire ridiculously intolerant scenario, they FIRED a guy for attempting to be diverse while calling his memo anti-diverse...which, if you've read the entire thing with an objective eye...it's not.

A company that brags about hiring a boatload of homosexuals and trannies, when they could have hired far fewer, more qualified and efficient employees, which would not only save, but make them more money, is some seriously insane shenanigans that Google shareholders should take a strong look at. 

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 I'm Brian, the owner  and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix  and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page.  My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it.  Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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Great work. Upvoted and reSteemed!

I really appreciate that lewy!

Hi Brian. I’ve been following you on YouTube for some time. I do appreciate the mental tools you’re providing us with so we can strip the authoritarian vermin of its power. I hope to see you on Steemit more often.

Or you are mislead into thinking you are objective, rather than subjective.

I don't think you want me to do that.

I think he does, and so would I and probably many others.
Enlighten us!

The enlightenment is simple: People do not have objective views, and never have full access to all the data, and all possible opinions.

Instead, people have subjective views.

Not only that, but words themselves carry more meaning than their direct definition as well, only complicating the matter.

To say, "The right thing to do is to treat people as if they were equal." is different than, "The right thing to do is to treat people as equals." isn't it?

So there are ways to say the same thing in a way that sounds reasonable, and a way that could sound hostile.

A person can say a fine idea nicely, or with cruelty.
Or a person can say a terrible idea nicely, or with cruelty.

So even if you think something is objective, it might very well be just a nice sounding idea that doesn't have any obvious flaws, even if the idea itself is unsustainable or malicious.

very well put. we all have biases. sounds like a good reason to continue the dialog...not shut down dialog. your example was excellent. a bias was exposed that I nor, the writer was/may have been aware of. but aren't words like "nice" & "cruel" also subjective?


Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

Really glad to see you on this platform, your videos are very informative and objective and unbiased and exposing the truth. As the centralized censoring platforms begin to whither and die and we no longer can use them without fear of rights violations, rendering them useless, I look forward to your content flourishing here.