Tsunami Aceh indonesia

in #good7 years ago (edited)

Nanda fell asleep at the Baiturrahman Great Mosque in Banda Aceh. He was unconscious for one day and one night. Someone put him there with the bodies of victims of the tsunami disaster of Aceh 2004 ago. people thought Nanda was dead. When found his face inert and full of injuries.
Nanda lives in the Syiah Kuala region. His house is close to the tomb of the great Ulama. This tomb survived the tsunami waves even though only a few meters away from the beach. Syiah Kuala is a coastal area in the city of Banda Aceh. This area is dominated by fishermen. This area was badly damaged when the tsunami wave came. Even a land that was once slightly indented has now disappeared into an ocean. All the buildings were lifted up with the inhabitants who did not have time to save themselves. Including Nanda and her family. Somehow the waves cracked him until someone took him to the Grand Mosque. Though the distance from Syiah Kuala to the Great Mosque is relatively far away.
Nanda's husband who survived the wave was confused to find Nanda and other families. Until finally he decided to go to the Great Mosque Baiturahhman. At that time many bodies lying on the streets were transported and taken into the mosque. Their bodies are covered soberly using newspapers, used cloths to cardboard. The corpse lined up like a shafat.
Tukar ke IndonesiaIt was an afternoon in 2006. My car stopped at a stall. It can not be distinguished whether this is a coffee shop or a shop selling fish. Because along the stalls that appear only salted fish and dried octopus that are for sale. But the smell of coffee that bursts makes us sure if this place also sells drinks.
We decided to take a break. Releasing after going through a very tough road again tiring. Our goal is Calang capital of Aceh Jaya Regency. The two year anniversary of the Aceh tsunami will be concentrated in this city. I joined the crew TVRI Aceh. On December 26, we will broadcast the event directly.
The journey to Calang is not easy. At that time some roads are still broken. Even for crossing must use a community-owned raft that looks ala levels. Composed of used wood and then fitted with a machine to push the boat across the river. Because of this condition many people choose to take an emergency road. The road is intentionally made by circling the mountain. Although the travel time will grow longer. Departing in the morning then arrive at Calang can before sunset. Whereas in normal conditions travel time to Calang from Banda Aceh only three hours.
We deliberately avoid traveling at night. For if night comes, a trip to Calang will be very dangerous. Understandably when the highway damaged by the tsunami is being repaired. The streets are muddy. Puddle of water here and there. Especially when it was the middle of the rainy season. Certainly riding at night only by relying on spotlights and moonlight is very dangerous.
Back to the small shop. Here some friends choose to grab a cup of coffee. Others went for the Asr prayer and lay down for a while. This shop was guarded by a woman. I forgot his name. He may be in the range of 50s or more. Obviously he was no longer young. Moreover, the hot sun and salty coastal areas make his skin dry and blackened. Later I just know if it turns out this shop also he made as a place to live.
A casual chat flowed between us. Until finally the talks touched on the tsunami of 26 December 2004