MY GOLDENCENSERDAILY: God is your Priority? / Happy Anniversary: Steemchurch
Beautiful family of @steemchuch, greetings to all our brothers, especially @sirknight, @ darlenys01, @uyobong and @maxdevalue, congratulations on this II Anniversary of Steemchurch, my thanks to all the leadership of the International Steemchurch Ministry in general.
Today I want us to talk about Priority. The concept of priority is a concept that impacts our entire lives. When in fact in relation to an activity we say: "I don't have time". In fact, it is not that we do not have time, but that we do not consider the activity in question to be a priority over others.
In general, all our decisions, our attitudes, our reactions are made following what we consider a priority. Everything you did yesterday was determined by what you saw as a priority. Everything you do today will be determined by what you consider a priority. All your decisions tomorrow will be determined by what is the priority for you.
Sometimes you tend to say: God you are my priority, Lord, you know that I love you, but your actions then prove otherwise. It is not our words, but our reactions that really determine what our priority is. The lyrics can be misleading, but the facts will always be there to invalidate or confirm them.
When God creates man, he establishes it in a garden and says: "Eat freely of all the trees in the garden, except for the fruit of the tree of choice between good and evil. (Genesis 2.16)
The garden represents the heart of man where we know God and savor the wonderful fruits of a life with Him. Because God has planned beautiful things for us: whether academically, human, family, sentimental, spiritual.
But the "things" in the garden should never take over the creator of these things. When Adam was expelled from the garden, he left with his heart hurt because his connection with God was severed, and even the beautiful woman he had with Him represented nothing before the intimacy that had just broken and completely ruined
Too many believers are lost because they have not understood that the beauty of the garden does not reside in what is there, but in the One who is there. They did not understand that the most important thing is the Kingdom and not what we have from the hand of God in this Kingdom.
Seek first the kingdom and justice of God; and all these things will be given to you above. (Matthew 6.33)
What Jesus calls "the rest" or "things" is not a sin; but it attracts our attention to what should be the priority for us: the Lord himself.
It is important my dear brothers, to determine that Christ is the first priority in your life today. Your life will testify, your reactions, your attitudes and your fruits will be completely different. First seek the Kingdom of God, and the rest will be given to you by the Father.
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