There Was A Major Reset Of Gold, But Nobody Is Talking About It: Lynette Zang

in #gold7 years ago

Lynette has worked in commercial banking until 1986, Lynette then shifted to investment banking with Shearson Lehman Brothers and became a stock broker. Lynettes focus was on the government bond market, learning the nuances of debt and interest rate moves on bond maturities. In that capacity, Lynette stumbled across non-dollar denominated bonds and added the currency dimension. This led to the discovery of currency life cycle patterns and a deep understanding of the impact of those life cycles on all socioeconomic levels and asset classes.

Lynette is the Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading


Thank you, Dave, for bringing Lynette Zang into the X22ReportSpotlight. Thank you, Lynette Zang, for coming on and sharing your work and information.

With the release of the new spending bill, and the necessary printing of more money to pay for it all, people are only going to speed up the move into alternates from fiat. My house is going to go from $450K, to $580K, and in a few years $1M. That is why I believe more and more people are getting into Bitcoin, because in the same time frame my house will go from 45BTC to 32BTC, and in a few years it will be 10BTC. Gold and silver should also see an increase, but I personally don't know how much gold or silver there is, where as at least I know there will only ever be 21M bitcoin.

Interesting i am seeing Bloomberg talk more about gold recently probably trying to divert my attention from the real news...

I hear what Lynette is saying here, but not owning any shares at all? If gold starts to move gold stocks are a leveraged play. Given the uncertainty around what will happen or how bad it will be surely it would be wise to spread some of your wealth across a variety of different asset classes. Assuming gold goes to $10K as I've heard her suggest before, where do you think that would leave gold stocks? You'd be looking at a 50 bagger and more in many cases, so owning even a small percentage of your assets, in gold and silver mining stocks would make sense.

The $3500 house in 1914, will get you a pretty nice washer and dryer set for your $300K house today!

She thinks open source decentralized networks can be controlled. She thinks the establishment wants us in a system that they cannot control. She thinks we'll be forced to work for a smart contract, when in reality we could simply not do such a thing. Quite a profound misunderstanding of cryptocurrencies.

I'm not sure you could find someone dumber than Lynette, Why the Hell is she still getting interviews? If I wanted to hear a more intelligent conversation, I'd fart.

Lynette may have her heart in the right place, but she has a fundamental misunderstanding of crypto. She doesn't seem to understand decentralization. She doesn't seem to understand that many will not use bank or government cryptos. She doesn't seem to understand that if bitcoin or any major blockchain were co-opted, how easy it is to snapshot and re-launch a new chain. She definitely does not understand that 3rd party exchanges are only a transition to wallet to wallet, peer to peer, cross blockchain, atomic swaps, decentralized exchange. Yes, there is risk that the general public could be duped into government or bank crypto. However, the tech itself will always provide alternatives outside the system, while those government or bank cryptos make the same mistakes and fail.

She's either uneducated, delusional, or just wants to shill gold. To each their own, but I think she doesn't have an idea of what she's talking about.

"...Central Banks will continue printing until the bond market takes away the keys... And even when Central Banks are mildly responsible, politicians are sitting in the wings waiting to spend at any chance they get." An I concur with him.

She has been out of the banking for 32 years and shills gold for a living. Remember all the FUD she spewed out over ACC? Where is ACC now? Crickets! I own PMs and will continue to buy more PMs in the coming months, but I will not buy from ITM Trading.