Closing the Gap How Gold may Meetup with Bitcoin

in #gold7 years ago (edited)

For Centuries it has always been Gold as the Goto Currency when other currencies fail. Every Currency Fails Eventually if its built on a Debt based model such as the US Dollar. Recently Bitcoin has been Surging, What does this tell us?
Bitcoin is not traded in Paper derivatives. Gold is via Exchange Traded Funds and other methods that cheat the system. This is how Gold is kept low. So in tbeory Gold could be worth multiple thousands of Dollars. I think Bitcoin has given us a new measure for Gold. A more Accurate Price can now be compared. In my opinion Gold has to follow As Bitcoin climbs higher. But when? When the Bitcoin Bubble Pops thats when. All that money will have to go somewhere. And since Bitcoin can be used to purchase Gold, my Thinking is They will.