Anarcho Rebel Connection Report 2020-07-29

in #gold5 years ago


Anarcho Rebel Connection

Wednesday 29th July 2020

Victorian Inquiry Update

Stamford plaza quarantine family who flew in from South Africa, was under the impression security staff were overwhelmed, go out for 10 minutes for fresh air and exercise
MSS security was chosen to provide security without tender, and was the security provider at Stamford Plaza Hotel.
Outbreak is sourced from the hotel quarantine program
The Victorian government and 3 security companies have not released the inner workings of the contracts, but ABC did get details from one contract.
Wilson's security handled quarantine at 3 hotels. The onus was on the security companies to provide all PPE, to be worn at all times, induction training on COVID 19 infection control training. Some staff were not given any training at all. This should really have been handled or greater oversight of health experts at all hotels to ensure compliance checking was done. Some casuals were hired through whats app groups.
Th fish rots from the head down.
The Aged Care Situation
Saint Basil's, Chrisanthi, recovered after being evacuated from St Basil's and sent to Bellbird private hospital after her daughter got involved and pushed the situation. Chrisanthi is now recovering, can breath by herself and is well on her way to recovery.

Maria Vasilakis died at St Basil's last week. Spiro, her son, is still furious at how his mother was treated. He says staff were not trained, overwhelmed, etc.

St Basil's Death Toll is now at 11.

13th July, it was made compulsory for staff to wear PPE. Why so late! You would think in the middle of a so called pandemic, it would have been mandatory from the start, especially from the second lock down, “lock-down 2.0”!

804 cases linked to Aged Care facilities now in Victoria's.
The Health Minister (Monster) Greg Hunt and Aged Care Minister (Monster) are ultimately responsible, and aged care expert says.

This weekend coming, Queensland Dictator Annastacia announced the border with NSW will close again. Queenslanders must be protected!

Patients are not answering questions, refusing to wear masks, patients are fearing they won’t get medical care.

Potts Point in Sydney’s inner city is a new hot spot and has been put under lock down. Anyone who has attended The Apollo or Thai Rock, have been requested to self isolate.

CoronaCast on ABC

I don’t know where this guy gets off, but Dr Norman Swan who has discreetly been putting the fear of god in everyone with his softly spoken calm accented tone with claims that COVID-19 (coronavirus, otherwise know as the flu) has previously reported that people can get brain damage from COVID-19, is now claiming that aged care patients may suffer (hallucinations) delirium if they are moved from their aged care facility to a hospital where they will receive better care.

I have seen first hand some of the quality of care in some aged care facilities. I had a relative who had been on the receiving end of below standard, sub-par, unacceptable care, whilst in one of these facilities.

And through the Victorian inquiry, we have found out that the aged care facilities are providing below standard care in Victoria, at a time when staff, and management at these facilities should be more vigilante when it comes to the care of their patients. And he claims, there is a difference in public and private aged care facilities. I disagree. My relative, was in a public facility.

Whether it is to do with being understaffed, lack of training, lack of PPE etc there is still a problem which is not going to be fixed straight away. And from the royal commission, it was made clear that the companies running these facilities were making extraordinary amounts of profits and there is no need for them to be cutting corners. All that can be done right now, is to support these facilities with additional oversight and assistance from qualified health services staff, and transfer those who are ill, immediately. This is why the lock downs were implemented, were they not? To keep ICU (Intensive Care Unit) beds free for situations like this?

Now he brings up a “terrifying world” when someone experiences delirium. You go into “acute confusion”. Some people become violent or go very quiet.

It has a high death rate!

Delirium. Then he goes to mention dementia. I think the thing he misses here is that the risk is with people with dementia, not all in aged care facilities. You could have an “epidemic” of delirium. This is unbelievable that this guy is carrying on like this. Where is his data on this? He mentions this but does not back it up with facts! Just presenting a scenario. What he is presenting here is too large a problem which has been overlooked for a long period of time. And this is not going to be fixed whilst this is continuously spreading through aged care facilities.

He says we have a large outbreak in NSW now! Is this guy for real? Look at the graph below. Are you going to tell me there is a large outbreak in NSW? The is a 14 day graph, for better resolution, and an all time graph further down.

14 Day Graph

2020-07-29 NSW-VIC-DailyCase-14Day.png

All Time Graph

2020-07-29 NSW-VIC-DailyCase-AllTime.png

Australian National Cumulative Count

2020-07-29 National Case Count.png

The full podcast can be found here

2020-07-29 ABC CoronaCast-DrNorman Swan.png

Gold and Silver Pricing

Gold USD = $1960 per ounce (Has not been this high since 2011)
Gold AUD = $2734 per ounce (Has not been this high, ever!)
Silver USD = $24.56 per ounce
Silver AUD = $34.27 per ounce
AUD = $0.71653 USD

Screenshot with timestamp below:

2020-07-29 GG-Gold-Silver-AUD.png

Courtesy of Guardian Gold

Gold and Silver Price Charts going back 10 years below:
• Charts in US Dollars
• Note the price has not been this high since 2011
• Check out the percentage returns over the last 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 20 years
• Gold has surpassed previous high of $1920 USD in 2011 (the best chart I could find has the price at $1883 on 29th August 2011). Started 2020 at $1510!
• Silver last traded at this price on the 22nd April 2013 and previous to that 18th October 2010. All time high was $47.95 set on the 25th April 2011.

2020-07-29 GoldPriceCharts-USD.png

• Charts in Australian Dollars
• Again, look at the percentage gains
• Last high of $2748 was set earlier this year
• Silver has not traded this high since 2012/13

2020-07-29 GoldPriceCharts-AUD.png

Charts courtesy of

The Kryptonix!

Top ten chart from CoinGecko below:
• Bitcoin has continued to bounce, now above $11k, since Monday, hovering between $10, 849 and $11,138 USD.
• Market capitalisation of the Kryptonix market is sitting at just above $333 Billion Dollars, up about $20 Billion Dollars in about 2 days
• BTC market dominance sitting at 61.4%
• Check out the spike in Tether!
• Monero, not in the chart, sitting at 16th position has also had a nice rally bouncing 16.7% over the last 7 days, now sitting at $81.48USD

2020-07-29 CoinGecko-BTC.png

So, things are looking up in certain markets

Peace and love to all you cool cats out there.
Be your own Bank, The Government won't save you.
De-calcify your pineal gland, & stop drinking that fluoridated water.
How good is it to wake up and smell the coffee sunshine?

Check out these sick connections for more good info...

Check out Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser of The Keiser Report
Check out Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal
Check out Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante Crypto Vigilante
Check out Max Igan of The Crowhouse
Check out David Icke – The Ickonic
Remember, everything is gonna be alright
Don’t worry, be happy. Be positive.
I’m out!
