Daily "Introduceyourself Post" Bounty # 17
Wait! Double Check!
Okay, I numbered this post correctly in the title! OKAY!
🐟 🐳 Hello Steemians!! 🐳 🐬
@gogogadgetupvote here with another (almost) Daily Bounty Hunt!
I hope to encourage Steemians across the platform by rewarding new users introduceyourself posts, and by rewarding users who help me find the VERY BEST of the posts in that tag!
Everyday I will reward up to 3 users for sending me links to #introduceyourself posts. As well as Upvote and Resteem the posts that they link me to.
Not just any introduce yourself posts. They will have to meet specific criteria which I will outline in a moment, so you might have to do some looking 👁👁.
You can click anywhere on the above image to visit the rules
My thanks again to everyone who went and supported the intro post of @everydaycoach!
Intro posts like his LINKED HERE are the whole reason I started my project to help new Steemians! I bought it a few Upvotes from a couple of the bidbots, but it could still use some love! As well as a lot of other New Steemians over in the "Introduceyourself" tag. So lets get on with the Bounties and Bounty Hunters from the Daily "Introduceyourself Post" Bounty #16!So today we have ALL returning Bounty Hunters! I Thank you guys for your continued support of the newbies!
Submitted another Fantastic Intro Linked Here! This one belonging to @ekom! Go over there and give her a big welcome!
Working on a streak of his own, he submitted This Intro Post! An aspiring new user named @nanayaw-ok. Head on to that link and support him!
Took the third bounty with the INTRO POST Linked HERE of the new Steemian @greatman4eva! Go show his post some support!
Congrats to those who got Upvoted and Resteemed and as always, thank you to my Hunters! My daily contest wouldn't be a success without all of you!
Today's Prizes!!!
When I manage to get a larger amount of Steempower to vote with, I will set the daily prizes at a dollar amount for the Upvote, and add additional prizes to the daily contest. For now, the prizes will be the same, 100% Upvote for the first valid link, 75% Upvote for the second bounty, and a 50% Upvote for the third good intro post linked, except I am going to start being a little more picky about posts that are valid. I was kind of lax on some of my rules when I first started, but now that I am getting more entries every day, I am going to start getting more selective. I really want to see intro posts that have VERIFICATION PHOTOS! It may not seem like a big thing, but it is a pretty big thing. And posts kind of need to be in english, or bi-lingual. It isn't that I don't want to support posts in other languages, but I can't judge a post to determine if it is valid based on my criteria if I cannot read the post. Thank you for understanding, and I wish you all the best of luck claiming Prizes today!!!!As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Polish Your Posts by checking out this post full of useful tips for newbies about post creation by @ethandsmith!
Learn how to write quality comments that improve your blog by @ogochukwu
You can see your posts total pending payouts by visiting https://steemviz.com/pendingpayouts and typing in your username!
Don't forget to check out @steemvoter
Every user can set up 3 rules to vote for their favorite author automatically. You get more rules the more SteemPower you have.
Learn how to add Emojis to your Steemit posts by CLICKING HERE

my entry,
Great Post bud! First Bounty Claimed!
many many tnx for support me.. sir
thanks for bringing me here.. very much appreciated :) ☺
Thanks for stopping by! Glad to have you on the platform!
Hoping i could join some contests in the future :) hehe
More Power and God Bless
Here's my entry. This time with a correct first tag. LOL
Awesome man! Glad to see your post here! Second bounty claimed! Now we just need that verification photo. lol
Added the verification picture. Thank you for your support. 😊
my entry: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@tj5553/beware-steemit-timbo-tj5553-has-arrived-well-ain-t-that-a-fine-how-do-you-do
Awesome man! You managed to get up in time to enter and claim a prize today! Third Bounty Claimed!
I got up 4 hours earlier but you know family > everything so I didn't have a chance to get on steemit :) Awesome, thanks.
No problem man! Thanks for the continued support!
Thanks @positivity420 for sharing my introduction here! To anyone I haven't already talked to, or who hasn't read my introduction yet, my name is Tim and it is a pleasure to meet you all! I look forward to being a part of the community.
No problem Tim :) Steem on!
today again submit my entry
Oh man, @positivity420 posted his reply literally minutes before you. As this post will no longer be valid tomorrow, and it is a good intro from an active user, I Upvoted and Resteemed it. I am also giving you an Upvote equal to the third place bounty, even though technically all the bounties have already been claimed. Thanks for participating and trying again!
Here's my entry
That is a good intro post, but it is LOOONG past payout. Upvoting it wouldn't do any good. Make sure you read all of the rules located in the link at the top of the post. You can find the complete list by clicking anywhere on the picture at the top of this post that says "Rules"
Thank you for doing this for new steemians. It helps one to grow and eventually help the community to grow. ;)
It is my pleasure! You are more than welcome to submit a post and try to claim a bounty yourself!
@gogoadgetupvote this is her #introduceyourself post link
I know, I have already upvoted and Resteemed her intro post. But this post is a contest where you submit any intro post that meets the above criteria and you get a prize for sending me the link. She was actually one of the introduction posts that won a prize earlier this week.
today my entry
I'm sorry bud, I am not entirely sure how, but I managed to miss your entry last night. I just completely missed it in the comment section. Really sorry about that man. Hang on to that link and make sure to submit it to tonight's contest.
this is my entry :)
Good Post thanks for sharing