How to experience peace of mind!

in #godfactor3 years ago

How to experience peace of mind!
Peace of mind does not mean your life will be problem-free but that in every challenge you face in the course of living, you have developed a means to stay calm knowing fully well that worries won’t solve the problems.

If you Google this topic, you will have different articles and tips on how to have peace of mind. But the reality is that peace of mind does not come through exercise in the gym- lol.
Some say you should take a deep breath, for me is not a solution to life turmoil. When you are done taking a deep breath, the problem is still there staring right in your face.
Drinking or doing drugs will worsen the situation. This is actually adding salt to injury as we normally say in Nigeria. It is multiplying your problems.
First, when my mind is trouble I allow myself to think deeper. I begin to say to myself things like “I don’t even know the exact time my mom conceived of me in her womb, I don’t have any memory of the time she pushed me through to life. My brain failed me when I tried to reason how I have lived and survived so many challenges unhurt, I don’t know where all the foods come from aside cultivation of crops and the likes. I say things like, I poo on daily basis and so does others yet we don’t have any spill over in the entire world, outside the carelessness of the plumbing systems. I breathe on a daily basis from the womb till date, yet the oxygen has not run out – what!
For all these things and many more to be taken care of so perfectly, there must be some powers somewhere doing these great and mighty things. The earth as we are told is 70% water. It means the city I am currently located, may be built on water, yet we have not sunk.
Permit me to digress a bit, last month, that is April 2021, in the bus I boarded, people were commenting on the leadership styles of different countries and one man made a point I can never forget. He said “In the United State of America, the government provides everything the citizens need regardless of the status of the citizen. Individuals are able to invent things for the good of everyone to the extent that the people don’t remember the position of God except very few. They look up to the government because the government could fulfil their campaign promises to the citizen. In Africa, we cannot as much rely on the government if at all we want to live because they cannot keep to their promises. This pushes us to seek out for God and rely on Him to provide for us all that we need.
We are a people living on God’s grace. Hence from this foundation, after I may have considered all those things started in paragraph 5 above, I will conclude in my mind that “The God” who has been faithful in managing the waste system of the world without burying us in it, will take care of whatever may threaten my peace of mind.
Another way is to surround yourself with good people who have positive energy and outlook. I have an acquaintance whose call I don’t answer because all her talk is complaining and very pitiful. Everything bad happens to ONLY her according to her, so I keep away.
Confess positively and visualize the outcome!
Turn every challenge into a case study or research work – write it down, put it on the table, dress up and begin to gather your points to speak against it. This works for me a lot of times and it is really fun. After that phase is over, when I look at my notes, I begin to laugh at my audacity.
Forgive more and forget in it, not for others but for you!
I live with the mindset of a child that no matter what may come my way, “my daddy and mommy will be there for me”
Isaiah 26:3 NLT says “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”
The scripture above was given by God to the Israelites when worry, depression, turmoil, and so on was the order of the day.
Any motivational speaker that says life is continuous peace, has not experienced life. At the climax of life, trials and temptation will come, not to tear you up but to test and promote you.
No matter where you are right now or what you are going through, I came to tell you to look up to the one who knitted you in your mother’s womb.
Keep calm, keep going, cry but don’t give up! The peace that passes human understanding be yours now in Jesus' name, Amen. Philippians 4:7, Matthew 6:33.
Thanks for reading!