Weekly Bible Meditations 2018
Thursday March 08,2018

Memory Verse: For thus says the Lord of hosts: "Once more(it is a little whike) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, " says the Lord of hosts (Haggai 2:6-7)
Although this was written many centuries ago, it prophesies of something which will take place in"a little while." But it has not yet taken place, and it will not take place until at least seven years after the coming of the Lord Jesus to rapture the Church. How marvelous that will be! What transpires after that we shall see from the height of heaven.
Even though this time of waiting may seem ling to us, to God it is only a while. Before He will shake everything, He is wonderfully patient and long suffering, desiring the salvation of precious souls. Eventually, however, the very nature of the eternal God, His truth, and His righteousness will require what is written in these verses to take place. He will shake the heavens because Satan and his host of demons even have access on heavenly places(Eph. 6:12), and they will be cast out. He will shake the earth which is symbolic of the nation of Israel, and He will shake the sea, symbolic of the Gentile nations (Rev. 17:15). He will shake the dry land, speaking perhaps of those seeking to isolate themselves, and then we are tild that He will shake all nations, making souls quake with fear and trembling.
The Desire of All Nations, noted in our verse, is no less than the Lord Jesus Christ coming in power and glory. All nations desire a rule of righteousness, but this has eluded them for centuries. They have no idea that only Christ can answer that need. Only when He is established as King will they realize that He is the true Desire of All Nations. He will fill the house of God at Jerusalem with Glory.
This is the first of the weekly Meditations, it's gotten from my Daily Bible Meditations 2018 by Believer's Bookshelf Canada Inc. The book was given to me by my mum and I'd love to share and discuss it with people of God.
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