God Gave Me Wheels

in #god7 years ago

In my previous post I wrote about my testimony and what brought me to Jesus. God has conquered my heart in such a powerful way that there is nothing in this world would make me return to my previous ways. Now that's not to say that I don't sin because that's what I am: a sinner. God's unrivaled love for me, He who sent His only Son to die for ME, has washed away my sins by the blood of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge my sins and call to Him to repent as I lay them down at His feet.

At this time, I was feeling desperate about finding a place to live when about a month ago, my paid off car broke down and by the help of a friend we towed it in to the shop and they gave me an estimate of at least $2,000 to fix. Already in a pit of financial destitution I barely had funds to survive on, much less to put forward on a costly auto repair. I was at a loss, riddled with fear and anxiety at what the future held before me. "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25 is where I should be been and yet I was shackled by the lies of the enemy.

I had a few friends offer to take me to places I needed to go but they have their own jobs and lives that don't revolve around me and my needs. So off I went to Craigslist to post ads in the rideshare section which in hindsight was a horrible idea but at the time I felt desperate. I had posted a photo of myself attached to the ad to assure my potential driver that I am not an axe-wielding murderer but instead I received countless sexual propositions, some lost soul who thought sending me hardcore porn would be a great idea, and lots of empty promises. First, there was Foot Guy, who offered to drive me to and from work for $200/month but he had an extreme foot fetish. He became increasingly persistent and I ended that pretty quickly. Then there were two other separate men who promised to do the same except they were both liars and left me stranded; one left me for two hours in the pouring rain.

Needless to say, I was miserable, worried, and generally a frazzled mess. Once again I was at my rock bottom without any hope and then it hit me that Jesus is my hope! I prayed endlessly and eventually, with my bad credit, and no money down, by the grace of God and his mercy, I was provided with a brand new vehicle. I came to work the next day and when my coworker asked me how I was able to achieve this, my answer was, "Jesus!" He asked again and I raised my hands to the sky and said, "JESUS!"

When everything feels impossible, "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
