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RE: MyThoughts: Karma and life

in #god4 years ago


My English is not the best but i will try.

I would say both is true, God and Karma. God and Karma are different words for the same meaning.
Look, when a good person (good in which view? thats the subjective part) gets hit by life, thats normal. What i mean you can read in the book of Iob.
On the other hand, if a bad person (bad from which point of view? and again the subjective point) gets a reward for something the person has done, i would say its the most brutal way of punishment. And the most fair too. The more you get, the more you have to lose. So, if you are looking for materialistic things, you will get this. And nothing more. But thats not what human life is all about. There is much more than materialistic things. And this is, how you wrote, something we have to learn.
The point is, we have a choice! We can learn, but we dont have to. Thats why this world is like it is. Some want, and some not. But we all have the choice.

But if we are a really good human (in the way god invents us to be) we allways will get what we need. And thats nothing what i believe, i know it, because it happens to myself (and believe me, it was a VERY long way to learn this lesson!)

And KArma? Karma means memory in the sanskrit language.
It means that the world, or your destiny remembers what you have done. And as long as it is like that, everything will happens to you, what depends on what you ´ve done.
BUT! If you begin to do it right, the memory will go away and you are free again.
SO again. You have the choice!

And thats whats so wonderful in this world we are living. We can. Because of we have the choice to do it!



Hi :)

Thank you so much for your reply. I really enjoyed reading it and your English is good. I can understand you so well. You brought up something really interesting, the book of Job. Yes, it just doesn't make sense why a good man would suffer. I guess it maybe the natural thing to say is the things that happens around us are also affected to us by the things that goes around in the spiritual realm.

So definitely good or bad things that happen to us are part of God's interventions. God allowing it to happen for us to learn and to make choices in this world? Yes totally agree on the "free will" for us to choose. We choose our destiny. So we get the rewards also based on our choices.

But sometimes God is so merciful to us, He even gives things we don't deserve. Like I remembered, living my life as a horrible person and I think if ever I die, I will go to hell. And one point I almost died, I thought God will definitely send me to hell but nothing happened to me. By karma, I should have been punished but God is just so merciful to us.

In my humble opinion, I guess what I can say is although there is situations of "bad people get bad things in return" however there are cases where God just waved that punishment. Maybe everything was done for a greater good person.

I guess God intervenes for our good. :)

Hi :)

"But sometimes God is so merciful to us, He even gives things we don't deserve."

This sentence hit me like a truck! In German we would say, like a sledgehammer. But truck sounds good too :)
I am divorced and father of a five year old boy. For a long time I did not understand why things like that happens. Why should God give us something we don´t deserve? As I held my son in my arms for the first time, I knew it!
It took me the last five years to understand what I felt in this moment. And now I begin to understand. It´s the love.
"Amor vincit omnia"- Love defeats everything
God gives us these undeserved blessings because of love. Because He is love! And if you are full of love, what else should you do to those how you love?
I am now 38 years old and I never felt like this before. I couldn´t even imagine that those feelings could be real. It´s amazing!

And yes. God intervenes for our good :)

Hi there again :)

So beautifully written. :) Yes, you are right it is God's love and mercy. And it just brings me to humility to recognise what did we did right to deserve such love and blessings in our lives.

I believe God has a reason for everything that happens around the sun but in the end it is all for His glory.

I am so touched by your sharing. :)

Good morning dear prudence!

Thank you for your words.
I am glad that I found a woman I can share my thoughts to. For me it is not easy to speak about what happens in me, and what I think about. What makes me often a bit frustrated.
I am pleased to read their is someone out there that thinks in a similar way about God and our world. Most of the time the people talk only about God or about this world. But it is like you wrote, it is both.
And yes, in the end it is all for His glory.

May I introduce myself. My real name is Reinhard Fürst.
So I want to ask you for your e-mail-address. Mine is [email protected].
So if you have time and/or interesst I would be pleased to hear from you. There could grow some interesting talks about, whatever.

In the meantime I wish you all the best
God bless
