Pat and I Talked about the Events

in #god27 days ago

Pat, my Guardian Angel and Regional commander of Heavenly Host, Very Good Friends of God Legions in the area, talked about the events. We do that.

@dove11 thanks inviting me to write in a contest but uh, I am very busy right now what with Christmas coming. And also I noticed...

But here, I will answer a questions for you.

So Pat and I talked. Pat had been given the responsibility to see that I, Kateri, Solange, and Bertie made it "too the right Gate to Heaven because I was so beat up that, I really could not do much. Little did we know that we were going to a full scale voider replica with one very noticeable difference the facade of the Welcome Center was changed to look perhaps like the coliseum of Rome or Row upon tiered row of slightly rectangular windows with fluted columns separating the windows. The door was in the same spot in the middle of the same left quarter or maybe third.

It's a weird door. If a mouse goes in through the door, the door is small enough for the mouse to open. If a seraphim goes in or out, it's big enough and everything else is in the same proportion and number.

For a long time everything was amber-ish but then it became white over the months. There were walkways behind the windows.

The portico was the same. The walkways were the same on the sides with the same things previously described. You fly back in it, everything appears to be the same.

They tell you that they remodeled it because...One buys it, hook line and sinker.

And Pat, and his sub-commanders, they thought this was the place.

Oh by the way, the screeners in the portico they passed the sword test. Sword will not capture or hurt anyone that's on our side.

Pat was very upset that he could be fooled. Me, I have walked into a overtaken outpost so maybe times and it just about always ends up hurting.

In the end, this place was the same. Oh feel good when we went in but after we left, the pain would start up.

It would become agonizing. Like I said, it's only pain. And like I have said: No human knows all things no matter how they pretend.

So Pat was upset. I outranked Him now, something I do not like. You see, Pat was from the Humble, Seat of the Humble Civilization which was the whole of the whole of the universe and it was Christian. Pat was a priest in the temple. His job was, with others, to get questions answered. Humble Civilization makes Earth look like a joke. They took had an ark of the covenant and they kept it, changed way back when.

Pat is an old angel. Ariel archangel died and entered heaven at the same instant Pat did: the day the voiders took Humble and a third of the Humble Universe if it was not two-thirds.
Anyways Pat was promoted beyond me, "Pat, you now know more than any other member of the Humble Host of how the Beings from the Void, (or voiders), how they do things, take things -" said God.

That still did not make Pat happy. We began to talk, Is this the only one of these?

  • now at @dove11 and anyone else, do I look like your spiritual advisor? Are you under some sort of illusion that I am starting up a cult, or following some asinine philosophy and will lead on some sort of weird path or someone else?

There's plenty of qualified clergy out there and seems to me that writers write about all sorts on this subject and for some reason there are asswipe pussies in charge that have never read whatever philosophy they follow and yet they follow that philosophy like it's truth. I do not care what you believe or think, this is December 22nd. Memory day of when I was sent on a military mission while a specialist in the US Army. I do not wish to write about this mission any more because I have done so. I have done so here on Steemit.

Suffice it to say I lived.

Just like I lived while I did this or that.

I don't really question a scientist until I have had the opportunity to understand what they have shown but I will voice a complaint. I just planted two trees that I pulled out of a pile of trees ripped out of the ground over at the springs about 3/8ths of a mile to the northeast of my redneck hovel. They say there for a few days in a pile to die and I pulled out two of the pile.

Years ago, the wind hitting a 125 mph every so often, a twenty-four footed fell and I took it and planted it in my property in the creek below, while the generator ran daily owned by Ensign Ranch, which owns Antelope Springs, and pumps water from the springs across a pipeline fifteen miles to the north across government land, even though the same company has well up there. That was done solely that water would not run down the creek. All the work was done Kaufman and sons ranch. Some body took a pocket knife and cut around the trunk of the tree through the xylem killing it. The trunk lies down there. The tree died and so be it.

These posts that I write are solely about paranormal, supernormal events, a scientist like me experienced. I am a scientist. So science is examining what goes on for better understanding the world in which we live. It's not something I am truly interested in but there were these humans that caused whirlwinds and tornadoes to form and it appeared they were able to direct these and place these at my house.

My quest was to stop this.

Yesterday, there were a large number of whirlwinds and tornadoes. They stopped.

That's really all that matters to me.

Merry Christmas, the free present is that things like this can be stopped.

Dammit. I missed church. I watch the mass on TV every Sunday Morning. Oh well, If God is angry, I can always go to a church, his place. Archangels are welcome there🥰


Oh my Gosh, I guess I made a mistake by inviting you, thinking you might want to write a story for a change but I don't believe you or anyone else will act as a spiritual advisor for me or anyone else.

And I am definitely not for Pete's sake under any illusion that you will start a cult or lead on any weird path not suitable for you. My mistake, bro, I hope you enjoyed your Sunday mass!