It Was Another Odd Day

in #god2 months ago

When it's obvious state it. Or, as Albert Einstein said, "Genius is stating the obvious."

Most of our lives, we will not see that which is obvious: most notably, there is someone that watches out for us as people, all life really. Yet, someone does.

The watching is very unobtrusive almost unnoticed if one pays no attention to what goes on and the set traps one escapes. Often these traps set by others take advantage of our false belief the world is safe. We are mortals.

Yet, we are offered immortality. Apparently, have the innate ability to exist forever and all we need do is grasp, realize the obvious.

Energy cannot be diminished, it changes form. And although my energy seems diminished to me, as I remember my youth and when I was a bit younger than I am now, my energy has changed form. Now I am the tortoise not the hare.

I planned and my plans all fell apart. Planning resulted in nothing but now I am the shelled, slow moving reptile not the fuzzy, mammal bunny.

Maybe there's a different way to plan and do things. The spring that ran into my little pool appears to have stopped again. It is disheartening but it is also cold and ice cold could stop the flow. Then, there's a nasty drought on now and that may affect the flow of water.

The only thing to do is wait and see.

Now, the Lord said to me He would grow new teeth and two started to grow and maybe they still grow but there is another tooth that is growing in the right front of my lower jaw, so who knows?

It's sharp like a brand new incisor and it is growing where another tooth is just like the two that were there before. It comes out in the front sticking nearly straight out. I catch my lip and tongue on it and have to be careful when I talk or eat. How weird but I am thankful for this new tooth. I am almost 65 years old.

I have seen many very strange things in my life and this new tooth is certainly one of them.

Oftentimes, people experience things and ask what does it mean?

People see and hear ghosts, others do not. People see, hear, feel, touch, speak with God and others do not.

A lot of times the obvious eludes us. Can this drought be averted, is there something I can do? Fire comes at my house, or the whole area. Floods rise and diseases strike.

Sometimes there is no food or water or air.

I read, in Los Angeles, California, USA where there is a big fire burning, there is no water in the fire hydrants because the electric utility turned off the electricity to prevent further fires caused by electricity. In Northern California the electric company was sued because the power lines caused fires.

A rock and a hard spot and the power company is in between. Meanwhile, it was said a hundred of Los Angeles' fire trucks were broken.

Today I watched the radar and there was a huge storm flowing from South to North to Alaska. It was far out in the Pacific. Normally those storms head our way. Not today and then the whole thing disappeared.

Hmmm ...

We had a lot of frost this last week though. It's something to be thankful for.

I attempted to apply for social security today. I started working in my father's warehouse when I was 11. His factory when I was twelve. I did other things as well.

I worked on a lot of things in my life. Some fantastic and many mundane. The best employer I ever had is Christ.

May you work for him as well. And I think someone may be collecting my social security because the social security administration would not let me open my account. They say that's commonplace these days.

I was waiting on the phone for thirty minutes and the little tune played on my phone. A person spoke about things every so often interrupted the tune. I put my Pentatonics album on and started to sing along to song eight. I sang through the song twice and someone that was human spoke.

Tried to get the website to create an account for me, but no luck.

We'll see how it goes.

In the end, I will be screaming like a Vietnamese, I met in the unemployment office years ago who immigrated from Vietnam. No wait. I won't be screaming at all. I'm used to it.

Hurry up and wait.

I know all about it. Get there to that there, Gates of Hell at ... Whatever the time was and wait while I figured if there was a way to get out of a place with no entrance or exit.

"P" with an "X" on it. Yes, obviously someone watches. Answers.
