My view on God

in #god9 years ago

So everyone has a different view on God. Maybe my view doesn't make sense or maybe it does.... let's dive in:

Okay so here it is, firstly you have to differentiate. Religion and spirituality are not the same thing. Religion, from what I can tell, is controlled spirituality, and as we go on I'll explain and clarify all this). So would mean that religion is wrong... not necessarily. Without religion and something tangible for the humans we'd still be probably in the dark age with no moral compass. Religion gives us ques and words to live by to make us better people. However, to see where religion gets it's ideas from you can watch a movie called zeitgeist. Am I against religion, nope. But from what I experienced everything boils down to good energy and bad energy. The catholic church for instance has priests where, if you're in tune, you can just feel the good energy coming from them. Does that make christianity right... I don't think so, but the priests that have this healing energy are good people and make their lifes work for the good irrespective of what deity they worship. Christianity is of course flawed, for instance, the bible tells us that if we don't turn to jesus we're going to hell,if you're gay you're going to hell blah blah blah, yet there are buddhists and hindus that are so pure there is no way they're going to evil place when they pass on from this life. A prime example of this is amma:
She does not believe in Christianity and says that her religion is love. She bows to no entities but what makes her amazing is the amount of loving energy that flows from her. She has had this loving energy since she was a child and if she was a charlatan she would have fallen by the wayside a long time ago. Reason being she doesn't preach anything to anyone, she literally just hugs thousands of people all the time. Try do that as a normal person and you don't have any energy left after a few hugs :). So she is fulll of boundless energy? Understanding this sort of energy you have to turn to people that have gone through a kundalini awakening. This happens when someone meditates a huge amount and takes on big spiritual energy. It opens something up within them that channels a huge amount of energy which can actually leave them crippled and ill. A lot people start to get sick, struggle to move and deal with ailments from these awakenings because they aren't spiritually at the level where they should have access to this energy. For some people it takes years to stop the flow of energy they were trying to get when they thought it would be cool to do so. There are loads of youtube clips on people that have had this happen to them, sure some fake, but the ones that aren't full of shite, you can see they look worn out from it (for some reason they also start to see snakes and apparitions.... sounds weird but true). At this point I'd like to point out I'm not at this level at all, I am aware of spirituality and love and am at peace with the world around me but I do not invite this sort of energy into my environment. I'm certainly not ready for it and I'm not "pure" enough to start messing with that.
So, onto the next point. It all boils down to energy. Before we go any further you need to understand that matter and energy are "of the same thing". What same thing is that? Well to me that's where God is the "same thing". How do we know they are "of the same thing", well if einstein said it I'm pretty certain you can take it to the bank:

So in effect, everything is energy. For anything to happen in any way you need energy, and there is no possibility of something "happening" without energy and in effect "a cause". While causality is a philosophical principal and not a scientific principal it is absolutely 100% indisputable. There is absolutely no possibility of something happening or existing without an initial cause. So then we have to say, so what, how does that even relate to God. It's really quite simple, God is the ultimate cause. Because say for instance you take anything.. ummm I'm moving my mouse... how are you moving your mouse...I am moving my arm... how are you moving your arm... my brain is sending signals to my muscles telling it to move.. how is your brain sending signals.... and so on and so forth almost ad infinitum. Everything is an effect that can literally and immediately be linked back to a cause. So ultimately there will be some "logic loops" where cause and effect (which can be single/multiple to single/multiple) seem to go in circles but you will always come back to the big question... so how was the earth/universe created? Let's look at wikipedia for the common belief****"In the Big Bang theory, the universe began as very hot, small, and dense, with no stars, atoms, form, or structure (called a "singularity")."****
pump the brakes annie... so it was created out of nothing... there's a scientific principal called overunity (bearing in mind everything is energy) that states you cannot get more energy out of something than you put into it. This is indisputable and it is an absolute cold hard fact. So in effect the simple logical explanation here is that "nothing" the singularity, all of a sudden had it's own energy??? Scientifically this is not even possible with it's own theories and therefore can be 100% disregarded. Because if you are to believe the big bang theory that the universe is ever expanding you would have to accept that overunity is impossible and this, to date, has never ever been possible, so no the big bang theory is a pretty little story but absolutely wrong even by scientific principles. Then moving on you could question how is spiritual energy the same the accepted version of actual energy. Well spiritual energy is real and a definite "something" in this world. Unless you've been around spiritual entities you wouldn't know that they have the power to move things. Creepy as it is, if you've ever lived in a house that's haunted house or been in one, you'll know that these entities have the power to move things, switch on tv's, light candles... all sorts of weird stuff. I'm sort of deviating here to my own experiences now to shed some light on why I think the 2 are the same. I have been to medjugorje where the virgin Mary appeared to 6 children in 80's and spoke to them. She has continued to speak to them over the years and the place has become a very big tourist attraction. They get spoken to at different intervals but one of them speaks to her every friday. No one can see her, only one of the 6, now adults, she appears to can see her and they speak almost silently looking up. I was there and I can say with certainty that something was indeed happening because my blood started to heat up and I had a tingling feeling through my body when this person started to talk to her so I don't belive it's a trick. While there as well I also saw the sun flashing... sounds strange but you look on the ground and you don't see anything changing, you look up at the sun and it's flashing as though it's an eclipse then sun then an eclipse then sun. That happened around midday and again, these are the sorts of strange things that happen in the place all the time. But that's not what convinced me of the ability for spiritual energy to be seen as scientific energy. You hear countless stories of places that are haunted and I have lived in 2 of them here in ireland. In one of them the doors randomly closed in the kitchen when I was in the lounge. In both places however I was not in a happy headspace at the time and I think I was attracting bad energy. And once it started it didn't stop until I moved places. What was happening was every morning around 3:30 to 4am I would start to have a vibrating through my body, it would start off almost like tingling then get stronger and stronger and then I would get locked down. Images of demons would flash through my head and I could not move my body. And this would go on for a few minutes until I gained back the ability to move. Sounds horrific and it was, and one might ask, so wasn't that just a bad dream. Ummm no I've had nightmares before many times but this was a demonic entity taking hold of me. After moving apartments this immediately stopped but for a long time there I literally had to stay awake at around this time to stop this happening. So this how I came to the conclusion that if spiritual energy can manipulate the physical world then it can indeed be counted along the same lines as any other energy. So while it can't be measured scientifically, it's the same as saying I'm happy or I'm sad, this can't be measured scientifically but it's a fact. At this point as well, I've mentioned Mary and demons so one might wonder if that is the case isn't Christianity correct. Not necessarily because many people of different spiritual beliefs had encounters with their own deities. My belief on this is that "the light" and the "the dark" are presented to us individually based on our beliefs and what we can understand.

So if you combine causality and the basics of energy you will come to the conclusion that whatever created this universe had to have a sum total of energy greater than it (most likely infinite) and be timeless with no cause behind it, no beginning, no end and truly infinite in a time sense too. So who are we giving thanks to? Is that God particle they created with the hadron collider a "piece of God"... who knows. The basis that we can conclude though, is that it is a huge creational energy. And what makes it sentient and how do we know that it is. My theory on this is, have you ever come across someone that has created something and didn't like and care for it? My own personal opinion is the: life is pointless. I don't mean that in an emo, I want to cut myself, everyone hates me kind of way. I mean, if you want to shoot somebody, shoot somebody. You want to get married, get married. You set fire to something, set fire to it. In the grand scheme of things it really does not matter. A million men a thousand times smarter than you or I have pondered "what is the meaning of life". It has never been revealed to them, so you and I too shall never find the answer. You either choose to reside with the healing energy, or you choose to dwell with the destructive energy. Where you choose to be is quite immaterial. Life is pointless, stop looking for the meaning of life and concentrate on right now and you will have found true inner peace.
People that also question the spiritual life after death scenario should read a book called "On life after death" by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. It is a woman that has investigated this phenomena over her years, and understanding what happens when we die. The most convincing being blind people that had near death experiences and after coming back to life could give great detail on their exact surroundings when their soul was leaving the body. The way I look at it is this, if you choose to live in the light, you shall continue to do so in death, and if you choose the shadows you shall dwell with them instead. But there is no right or wrong answer, you simply choose where you want to be and if people stipulate there are rules before you can do this, you can tell them exactly where to shove it :)

So that’s just my 2 million cents. Peace love and healing y’all :)


A million men a thousand times smarter than you or I have pondered "what is the meaning of life". It has never been revealed to them

How do you know? Have you asked around?

Life is pointless, stop looking for the meaning of life and concentrate on right now

Why? What would be the point? ;)

Of course life's not pointless... That's illogical. Everything has a reason for existing... Even if it's just procreation - and that's profoundly meaningful... (got kids?)
Humanity's reason for existing is to protect the planet and it's creatures from harm... Yeah, we suck at that ATM... Doesn't mean we have no purpose. just that we're failing to do it... :(

PS actually that's only one of the reasons we're here. There are a few I can think of...

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