Goats aka Caprine (kaprīn) Health RecordsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #goats8 years ago

Blockchain as a health record? Yes please!

We're trying to raise our Nigerian Dwarf goats as naturally as possible. Our baby doe is just about at the magic number for breeding of 40lbs so we are now letting our 2 intact bucks run with the them.

They seem to have very little interest in her and she just had that first false heat the other day but she's quick and feisty so we're not too concerned because, animal.

We'll let them over winter in the barn along with heat lamps and separate them in the spring to the buck pen when the kids are 6 - 8 weeks old. By next fall, we should have 2 separate areas and can put each buck with the does we want with them. On to the health record!

Esmeralda (Ezzy)

  • She's a very curious goat and likes to get into trouble and nibble on everything. Don't let her small size fool you she will be the herd queen when she's older. She's tough, persistent, and when she wants something she gets it.
  • DOB: 3/7/2017
  • Current Weight: 35lbs (using weight tape)
  • 6/1/2017: Picked her up from Cheryl S. after coccidia treatment, disbudding, and initial CDT
  • 6/15/2017: Shots (CDT) and wormed (Rumatel, DuMOR TSC pellets) a month after we got her but nothing since
  • 8/15/2017: Trimmed hooves
  • Co-ral (on vets advice) and probiotics as needed


And now with a baby beard

  • Super friendly and not just for food. My wife's favorite goat. he's a character. We'll use him as a stud for his demeanor and his mom's milk production
  • DOB: 3/2/2017
  • Current Weight: 45lbs
  • 4/15/2017: Picked him up with his dam from Cheryl S. after disbudding, and CDT shots
  • 5/15/2017: Shots (CDT), wormed (Rumatel), Corid 9.6% as a drench a month after we got him but nothing since. Done on vets advise after fecal and physical
  • 8/15/2017: Trimmed hooves
  • Co-ral (also on vets advice) and probiotics as needed


  • Blue-eyed devil and my favorite goat. Loves to play and is definitely the man of the house (Herd Sire). Usually can restore order with a firm stomp of his hoof. Cocks his head at me all the time, like the pic, and loves for me to push on his head and will rear up at my fist. He has no problem getting the job done if you know what I mean. He's very curious and slightly gay like his name 😆
  • DOB: 2/28/2017
  • Current Weight: 48lbs
  • 4/23/2017: Picked him up from Shannon R. after disbudding, weaning and CDT shots
  • 5/15/2017: No worms or coccidia only lice. Did Co-ral on vets advise after fecal and physical
  • 8/15/2017: Trimmed hooves
  • Co-ral and probiotics as needed

Clementina (Clem)

  • Herd Queen and a straight up biatch. Not fun to milk but she gives a lot. Django's dam and he was her first kid. We're sort of going with Gypsy names and her original name was Clementine and called Clem so we gypsyfied it.
  • DOB: 3/1/2015? (Cheryl usually waits a year)
  • Current Weight: 80lbs
  • 4/15/2017: Picked her up with Django from Cheryl S. CDT 2 weeks before giving birth
  • 5/1/2015: Started milking in the morning after separating Django at night
  • 5/15/2017: Wormed (Rumatel), Corid 9.6% as a drench a month after we got her but nothing since. Done on vets advise after fecal and physical
  • 8/1/2017: Dried her out, I blame myself for the drop in production being a noob and changing things too much
  • 8/15/2017: Trimmed hooves
  • Co-ral (also on vets advice) and probiotics as needed

Anoushka (Nush)

  • Sweet but dumb. Easy milker but severe production drop after removed from her kids. Had twins and usually does.
  • DOB: 3/1/2012?
  • Current Weight: 82lbs
  • 4/15/2017: Picked her up with Django and Clem from Cheryl S. CDT 2 weeks before giving birth. Started milking immediately
  • 5/15/2017: Wormed (Rumatel), Corid 9.6% as a drench a month after we got her but nothing since. Done on vets advise after fecal and physical
  • 8/1/2017: Dried her out, I blame myself for the drop in production being a noob and changing things too much
  • 8/15/2017: Trimmed hooves
  • Co-ral (also on vets advice) and probiotics as needed

Here's where I get supplies:



Those goats are beautiful! If you ever want advice on more natural methods for treatments and breeding please don't hesitate to ask! ~ The Goat Lady

Thank you! I will definitely check you out. I'm pretty hands off since we got them and they're still alive so it's a start

Cute goats bro.

Thanks I try lol