What does an Aussie, a Smartphone and a Goat have in common...?

in #goat9 years ago

Comedy gold! This is the essence of the age that we are fortunate to live inn, with everyone having the ability to document the world around them and share it with others, creating something from a simple idea. Jimbo is a Australian born Comedian, kids entertainer, Nomad and allround Goatlover. FB page /jimboandgary

With a bit of creativity we can create something out of nothing and in turn make other people happy whilst building a successful brand on the backend. Look at the rise of the "vloggers" these people are video bloggers , who upload their daily life to YouTube and other video platforms.

Building connections with people from all around the world, to share their lives / interests.
Are you passionate about something...? it may be hobbies, interests, sports, travelling, DIY to the other side maybe your dealing with depression, suicide, weight lose etc. Be the voice of change, just because it has always been this way does not mean its the path you must take.

On the side note of Suicide , if you are on my friends list and going through a dark period in your life, reach out - dont feel like your left alone , ive lost a close friend to it and its horrible, send me a PM.

The beauty of the Net is that you are not alone and no matter what you do there is other people who will engage and find your stuff interesting, funny, emotional whatever your trying to achieve. (impressions/clicks on your videos) will make you some extra cash on the side from the advertisements that will be displayed if you opt inn for that or not.
Back to the Goatlover and lets me honest with ourselves who here doesn't love a goat...? wither its one of our friends or the fluffy type in the fields.

Depending on your view point, if you saw someone pre internet age walking around talking to Goats you might thought he/she was crazy, funny or interesting, what i have learnt over the years is to NEVER judge someone until you really know them, meeting someone a few times does not mean you know them, be respectful of that. Its the people who dont follow what society demands as "normal" , the people who do something outside the box are the ones who are either stereotyped or admired. To then go onto pioneer new thoughts, ideas, creations...

Once you can get past your own ego and come from a place of humility then you realize that everything that you ever wanted to achieve or felt that was limiting you, was really your own mental image of yourself playing out.
We are not given enough credit for how powerful our minds truly are, what you believe you can achieve, you can.
seek alternative education, everything you want to learn is contained either online, within a book or audio, you and only you have the key to open it.


Keep up the great work @binarychaos

Greate Job