New York State Bankruptcy Never Ending Story Version

in #go5 years ago

We are totally doing this neo, you've already clicked continue at your own perils

1. So several prominent so-called left wing fringe media outlets have had debt an bankruptcy rolling of there tongues for days. From there YouTube comment sections to payed subscriber's on various platforms onto guest an book plugs an promo's. Daring to utter utterances of which they know not what they speak.

*✓   -*"So I can no longer help myself, I'm going to drag you down the halls fucking kicking an screaming an force feed you information overload untill you are filled with resentment an can longer submit to this insanity!" 
  1. Section A.
    "I Usually love to take her from the back". 😝From the top is going to have to do today.
    Going to give you as much detailed unbiased empirical overly detailed information on these issues as possible including references.

My one an only appeal to authority is.
This selection will be from individuals eclipsed in cornucopias of real word experience. Whom have taken actions an seen what's been reaped harvested from there theoretical foundations an musings. When they have been applied to real world uncertainty. I truly believe they know if the juice was worth the Squueze or as a consolation prize the best still breathing respresentation we have.

May jump around from modern to arcane.
If it's seems a wee bit scatter shot bear with me. The epiphany is right over yonder . Have to get across the Bends before you can see the light at the of the tunnel or smack your head enough to capitulate to the obvious. In stead of the familiar frivolous an frequent.


"Consume the heart the spirit an will. Long before they start narang chunks out your brain an guts an intestines or intuitions you can feel it in your bones. Comforts may be the sirens whispers tip toeing you slowly to the abyss.*
Quote By: TheCanManCan1990

1 B.
To the Victor goes the spoils an more importantly the framing of........

Framing of literally everything including what can be considered the normalcy of reality. Which morals an eithics an values get to have value. Which rituals traditions an repitions constitute planning for successes and growing an blossoming into a mature predetermined mold of a life well lived.

Most dearest to my heart an pervasive and persuasive spoken word. Which inevitably becomes the written records an symbolical representation of the past present an future. What is meaningful an meaningless. An on an on shiva's dance of creative destruction continues. The past becomes the present with news turns twist an quirks. Peculiarities of one time an place happenstance an lunacy in the next.

If absolutely everything is a social construct? Should all be a wash. Life was just what you made it. 0 is the alpha and omega the omnipotent an π The delusional place holder.
No langue is the alchemist. Words an symbols writing is the Rosetta Stone. Becomes math the universal Expression of the rational mind. The ability to time travel effect pas an present without ever firing a single glute muscle. These symbols are then taken by the leaders of men an transformed if by wizardry into money simply by decree Fiat. Then those zeros an ones an your ability to accumulate these digits . Become imbued with the power to decide destiny fortune an fame. Over night scratches on rocks or metal or paper or in the modern world square plastic literally come with the threat of death an imprisonment. Then become like automatons the ancients Greeks dreamed about. Taking there very own characteristics the more human hands they are cycled threw. Not only being a credit but a means of exchange and store of value needing to have adjectives an verbage ascribed to them.
Portable-can be carried is not burdensome
Fungibility- Divisible easily broken into smaller pieces of equal value
Liquidity-easily bought or sold without increasing price or demand of itself or items assets being traded