The Beauty of Globalism

in #globalism6 years ago

Why doesn’t globalism work and why do globalists not desire a unified world?

Globalism as currently envisioned by the corporatists does not work because it is inefficient and exploitative.

An efficient economy would within reason manufacture 80% of a nation’s goods there in that country.

An efficient economy provides the maximum meaningful productivity for its citizens.

Instead globalists barge goods back and forth all over the world creating inefficiencies not to mention potential points of disruption in case of war or conflict.

Which leads us to why they do it - exploitation.

By placing manufacturing in different countries than that country in which the product will be consumed, manufacturing escapes the oversight of the consuming country.

This allows the corporation to mistreat and exploit foreign workers who are often brutalized by dictators the corporations control.

That is why CIA and MI6 exist - to help the dictator control his people.

The globalist thus steals from the citizenry in terms of a meaningful productive life.

The country that is outsourcing loses quality of life through lesser employment, higher drug use, greater criminality, higher suicide rates, lesser sense of self-worth and greater loss of time by compelling adults to waste precious time at government benefit stations.

The country that is being exploited loses quality of life through poorer pay, greater workloads, backbreaking child labor, poorer health and greater loss of time by compelling adults to work 16 hour days.

In addition to exploitation, globalism places the country that is to receive goods at the mercy of the globalists should there be a conflict which of course there will be.

There will be conflicts because conflicts are mandatory in a world run by corporations.

War makes corporations and their owners fabulously rich.

War is a perpetual motion machine of choice which the globalist has no desire to stop.

It’s too perfect a scam.

In a unified world where people respected each other as citizens to be respected, there would be no exploitation of third world countries because there wold be no third world counties to exploit. There would also be no war because people who are meaningfully employed have no motivation to go to war.

Which means, my friend, that all the talk you hear from the corporations and their media shills about a global world where people come together is bullshit.

The Irish potato famine affected one crop - the potato. There were still plenty of grains being produced and exported out of Ireland by globalists, enough grains to prevent the catastrophe that ensued. So much for a global economy. So much for holding hands and singing “We are the World.”