Is generating hangnail due to lack of vitamins?

in #global4 months ago


It is wrong to say that "generate hangnail is because of the lack of vitamins". At present, there is no medical evidence to prove that the hangnail is related to the lack of nutrition or vitamin level. The main reason for the cause of hangnail is that the skin barrier function is damaged. Due to the lack of sebaceous glands in hand skin, and a complex environment (such as frequently washing or contacting chemicals), its sebum film itself is relatively fragile, and the stratum corneum is easily damaged , Resulting in the formation of hangnail . There is no need to detect vitamin levels due to generate hangnail . The key to preventing the hangnail is to keep the skin's skin moisturizing, use the hand cream with lipid ingredients, and reduce the frequent friction and water of the hand. If the hangnail is accompanied by other skin problems, such as erythema, itching, it may be related to skin diseases. It is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.


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