in #giveaway7 years ago

Who wants one?

Blogging and curating for crypto is now an amazing reality. I think that a lot of us are really enjoying this incredible opportunity that steemit has given us. In a recent post I shared about how this opportunity can really empower people to get ahead in this life and break the bondage of paycheck to paycheck economics. I illustrated the point with this excellent image of @bluerthangreen.


I thought it was a great illustration, but @canadian-coconut had this to say:

I LOVE that picture!

But now you've made me feel like a beggar or something! ha ha

I might just have to make up a sign like that and sit on the street corner for a while myself ...

Of course I agree with her on the picture, but I don't want to make anyone feel like a beggar, so I decided to upgrade!

I figured that some t-shirts may get the point across just as well. I figured out my basic concept and then made the prototype.


If you have been watching my "ADVICE FROM PAPA" video series then you have already had a sneak preview of the shirt in action. Mine seems to be working just fine, so now I will hand-make 10 more shirts in this extremely limited edition run. I have already chosen 5 steemians to receive some, so I actually only have five more to allocate.

5 DOWN - 5 TO GO

These shirts will be handcrafted in typical @papa-pepper style. I will personally take the time to make each and every shirt, prior to addressing the packages and paying the postage. I will ship them to anywhere in the world.

Here are the first five steemians that I preselected.

I should already have mailing addresses for @barrydutton and @teamsteem. The other users can notify me of a valid shipping address on https://steemit.chat. You will also need to notify me of your t-shirt size.

5 TO GO!

So, what about the remaining 5 t-shirts? If you have a deep, burning desire to own your very own, limited edition, “WILL BLOG FOR CRYPTO – STEEMIT.COM” T-shirt in your own size handcrafted for you by @papa-pepper himself, then there is only one thing that you need to do.

Reply to this post with the reason why you want one. I’ll check back after about 48 hours and choose five winners based on their (your) comments below. Then I’ll take some time over the next week or so to make some shirts for you and send them to you, wherever in the world you may be.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com



I never got my shirt from you last year so this one caught my eye and you know I will wear the ___ out of that --- I never saw my name or tag, on this post, so I had to see this post!!

I just was in the feed catching up and saw this title --- we are gathered over at the every-weekendly


  • as usual on my page.

I would like to donate $5 SBD to this cause, either to you for helping us out, or to help one more person get a shirt, anything you want.

I would have more to give you but the post I did this week to help Sommer out on Steemit being new as a user I was encouraging, was flagged into oblivion by Bernie and most of his accounts, so that killed my 3rd ever post to make $100 -- down to $2.

I will be SO EXCITED for this shirt and 3 of us in Canadastan in this list will rock them

Please sign mine or put something on the back from you, if you have the time, I will treasure it always man!!!

Your $5 SBD donation have moved it up to six winners. I'll still pick the five, but we now have a "BARRY DUTTON WILDCARD" pick!

Let me know who else wins!

Maybe I will do a post, link to this one, borrow a couple of your photos if OK'd by your or I go in that direction to keep the branding consistent and try to increase...



instead of flags LOL


Permission fully granted!

Part 2 of the amazing GAW will be live today on my page in conjunction with @papa-pepper Enterprises Inc. LLC

LOL (:

BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 27 May 2017 - 21:05 UTC

#CryptoCurrency & #Liberty / #Freedom based #Contest / #Giveaway: Simple details in this #Steemit #Blog 🚀 $BTC $ETH

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

3 Canadastan winners! I am so excited.

You are welcome. You'll have a whole package coming!

Honestly, I would give you the shirt off my back, but it's not your size...

Part 2 of this amazing GAW will be live today on my page in a few mins. in conjunction with @papa-pepper Enterprises Inc. LLC


I definitely rock one of your shirts around. Better yet, the purpose of my comment is to ask you a question. Could I make a shirt like this with your permission? I silk screen shirts and hope to have my equipment set up in a few weeks ready in time for summer. I really like the slogan and wanted to make one for myself, not for profit or to rip off your idea. I simply think its awesome and wanted to design (i do graphic design) the same slogan something similar. Only with your permission of course if not I understand 110%. Awesome shirt! Steem on!

Make as many as you want and do whatever you want with them.


I put up a silk screening bio if you wanted to take a look, it's longer than usual post from me but a short read. It's my most recent post Thanks :)

I LOVE the shirt! I want one because changes are coming in the near future that will allow me to start posting on Steemit regularly, and rhis would be a great way to start off!!!

Very cool and good to hear...

Thanks! Im looking forward to some of the changes that are about to happen!

I know I've been here for less than two weeks, but I've already received more than $12 in payouts and I post and create original content.

Steemit presents an opportunity for me to contribute to our finances (I'm disabled and unable to work).

I'd love to have one of those shirts as a physical, real life reminder of the hope for a better future that Steemit offers. The last several years have been bleak, emotionally crippling, and my life was in actual danger due to our financial situation. (If you want to know more of the details, I'm willing to tell you privately.) I really need all the hope and reminders of said hope that I can get.

Best of luck to everyone! It's really awesome of you to do this!

Wow, that is a reason...

Maybe I over-shared? If so, I'm sorry.

No, not at all. Don't worry.

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 7 with 435 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 1 with 123 comments

I want one because i really want to get the word out there. People where i live would and could really benefit from SteemIt. Thanks for the great post and donation to the community.

You are very welcome. Good reason...

I was considering doing my own but couldn't come up with a good idea. I would be more proud to wear your idea.

Wow, thank you!

Steem in the .77 range is an investment in my eyes, You see your value decrease, but I just see more money, We got this bro. Like the T-Shirt!


Thanks @tfeldman!

I want one simply because it's frigging awesome. No better reason than that. :-)

Maybe not, but I'll be the judge of that...

I want one because I want one :D that's my reason :D