RE: Ladies Killing it in a Boys Club: Software Engineering
I do know of a couple women who can produce very high quality code, and 1 that actually designs her own hardware from scratch too AND is successful in selling it worldwide for eyebrow-raising $$$. You can't fake that. But my dear Veerprit, these are gems picked out of hundreds and hundreds of other women, who are predictably useless at it - yet all seem to think they're "women in software" too. Somehow having a vagina ought to automatically make them equal to the above women who actually know what they're doing. We, the men and women of software, are tired of the entitled arrogance.
Sure, my propellerhead-bitches can code their way around me with one hand tied behind their backs. But here's the big difference: they're not on social media trying to push for more grrrl-power in software. It wouldn't even enter their minds to try. They're busy coding. Invariably, they've been coding ever since they were tiny tots, just like the boys. Because it's their passion and they eat,breathe, and sleep this stuff. This is who you're going to have to compete against after your "women-friendly coding course" at the elite "Rockefeller Easy Sail College for The Social Justices" MacSchool ("Would YOu Like Fries With THat Tech Degree?") has finished milking your parents for easy cash. Wishing you the best of luck! 'Cause grrl-power will not help any, and I want you to avoid easily prevented bitter disappointments - it really isn't the men's fault this time.