A Fruitful Week at Geumgang University @ 2017 Week 4 充实的一周在金刚大学 @ 2017 第四个星期

in #gimje8 years ago

Time flies , week4 and counting the time to go home😂every week. I am not a fast learner but i am a person who can adapt fast! I was being told that i should be in intermediate class but at last my sonsengnim let me to be in advance class.Last week we have our 1st writing presentation in the class. In advance class, i even with a note on hand but i still 'read' my slide not really smoothly (the comments from my sonsengnim on that day🙁)!and personally i dont think i really had delivered the message to my friends well, is something that bring me down for a second😶. Well, still more to go, no matter what class i am, i still have more room to grow, to learn and to be better😎!! Life keep on going~~Huhu.

时间飞逝,第4周了, 每星期都倒数着回家的日子😂. 我不是一个很快的学习的人, 但我是一个能够快速适应的人. 我被通知我应该在中级班,但最后我的sonsengnim让我进了高级班上课. 上周,我们在课堂上present我们的第一个写作. 我甚至在手上有一个笔记,但我仍然“读”的不是很顺(这是当天sonsengnim的评论)! 而我感觉我没有真的把信息传达给我的朋友,这是一个令我失望的事情😶就当下. 不过,无论我是什么班, 我还有很多可以在这里学习还有很多的发展空间tim😎~生活还是要继续往前进la~~向前看~继续走~huhu

Last Friday, we have 2nd time welcome dinner and that the meal bought to us by our Ra sonsengnim who like a mother of us keep taking care all of us very well. We all enjoyed the night and we became closer with each other.

上星期五, 我们有第二次的欢迎晚餐, 而我们的Ra sonsengnim买了我们的晚餐 . 她就像我们的母亲, 关心我们所有外国学生.这晚我们都很尽兴而我们彼此间也越来越靠近了.

This is our 1st welcome party called chicken party😅 and there were varoius of chickenssss...(all chickenssss already digested so no pictures😶🙊)
这是我们的第一个欢迎宴会, 叫"鸡派地",

Our official welcome party from our Ra sonsengnim 😊
Ra sonsengnim 给我们的正式欢迎会😊

The middle lady is our Ra sonsengnim😉sexy post with pretty student from Uzbekistan and handsome from Philipines.
中间那位女士就是我们的Ra sonsengnim😉性感post 出场~漂亮的学生来自乌兹别克斯坦和英俊的菲律宾学生.

All cutiess are younger and smarter than me😂 (had different formulated toddle milk😅)
年轻有为的美人儿们, 当然比我都年轻和聪明😂(不同世纪有不同的配方奶粉😅)#我是老姐

From right hand side prettiesss from China, Brazil, Ecuador and Taiwan.😍从右边开始是来自中国, 巴西,厄瓜多尔和臺灣的美人儿.😍

Last week was a week that so happening for me😆.. including the welcome dinner, i also hang out with the Taiwanese young sister to Gimje Horizon Festival (김체 지평선 축제). This festival is actually to show the importance of Korea's farming culture. And it was really fun there although the food was slightly expensive than usual price here😅.

上周是一个很happy 的一个星期, 包括欢迎晚餐我也和台湾的妹妹们一起出去金瑅地平线节日(김체지평선축제).这个节日实际上是展示韩国农耕文化的重要性.这里真的很有趣,虽然这里的食物比平常价格贵一些.

2017 Gimje Horizon Festival here we are!😊
2017 金瑅地平线节!!😊



Children having fun everywhere🤗🤗~



The swing was so high~~


Including this big CHILD was so funny and who always look for festival here and there😉 Lucky to have her and feeling thanks to her as well😙!

And we keep on selfie everywhere😂


A long journey to Gimje from our university, it was tired but had a lot of fun with friends! It's time to continue work hard again🙊! Please work hard and play hard also yo!😉


Thank you!谢谢😁