The Ghostbusters : Ghosts of Education BustedsteemCreated with Sketch.

Energy is neutral. It has no bias towards either a negative or a positive. I remember how in the classic 'Ghostbusters' movies, we were shown where the goodwill of the people would also be that "special weapon" needed to defeat whatever monster they were saving the city from.

The basic premise revolves around the build-up of over centuries of negative energy, which then would be used to cause harm to the city. The way to confront it would always be too much for the Ghostbusters alone. They would also need the people who were thankfully a happy crowd. This is all they need to have the positive energy to tap into and save the day. It’s the most prominent theme of the series, and there is tons of science now available which proves it.(1)

We can find ourselves relating and wanting to add to the positive vibe of the films, especially NYC people like me! The movie owes its success to this formula but also has an amazing back story in its movie-verse. The many themes run throughout the films cartoons and video games as well as the films.

We do not get too much exposure to the paranormal world in our pedestrian lives though. Unfortunately, the majority of this research is owned and out of reach, as we learn in the first movie where the Universities provide the housing, pay, and equipment for the work being done by the granted scientists.

Through this investment from grants and tax subsidies (Govt Assistance/Federalization of Education ), the University then owns the discoveries of Americas’ favorite ghost-bustin' scientists.

The ghosts and monsters of the movie come from the concentration of negative energy, this is always explained in the dialogue. These taboo subjects of the paranormal do have relevance in our scientific community, as we go about, after being assured by them that it is made up or not real or even impossible, just the stuff of comedy and drama, or better yet Pseudoscience.(2)

Wouldn't knowing about this craziness as being a part of our existence, be smart to teach the students of the world?


What is telling of the screenplays inspirations, is that the same plot has just happened to have a basis in reality as millions of CIA documents are released with regard to the agencies’ own involvement in years of studies into these occult subjects, usually thought to be the stuff of Hollywood.

Universities researched this science and delved deep into psychic evaluations of extrasensory perception, and paranormal phenomenon. There are hundreds of programs running on campuses all over this nation, and they are working in experimentation into the paranormal, and in collaboration with the C.I.A., according to their own documents.

Among the more unusual documents in the release are the “Stargate Project”, which deals with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. Memos on the laboratory studies of “remote viewing”, where participants are able to replicate pictures drawn in another room with accuracy. The researchers exclaim of how a participant, "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner".

Mind Powers Ya'll! (3)

A patient, in this casestudy, was able to read another person's mind from another room!

The spark that helps their Ghost busters idea manifest, is the scene where they lose their grant and then become homeless!

These Universities end up operating for the federal agencies and so do the scientists. Their discoveries and the work behind them are never acknowledged publicly. All this is money is going to the universities and whom do not have to pay any taxes. A philanthropic network of donations and endowments from the Universities own founding families and affiliates.


This Elitist network uses their money and the C.I.A., NSA, etc, all get to retain the findings of the scientists under a claim of secrecy, due to "national security".

With this new revelation of the secret or occult science research by Universities for the Gov't agencies and with Old Money footing the bill there a suppression of scientific discoveries going on or what?

The Public Education ‘system’ is societies’ science gate way, and instead, it takes the stance to disregard or categorize it as Pseudoscience. the paranormal explores the extension of consciousness after death; you know spirits, entities, ghosts!

If our education denies these areas of learning, then how can we develop the skill sets to defend ourselves from the negative energy baddies or spirits, that we learn about in the religious traditions and schools?

The Ghost busters have done more for the advancement of paranormal research which now has spawned countless ghosts hunting and haunted house shows which simply duplicates the research and its results, the evidence, some truth. No wonder we look to theology for these life answers, but still,



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