My analysis of that simple word..... LOVE part 2

in #ghana6 years ago


It's pretty easy to admit that, everyone wants to be loved. It's human nature. We all want a certain type of love and affection at a certain peak too. Even though it's usually exclusively different from that which we fantasize about, we take it anyways, because its better than hahing nothing at all. Besides, we need love. We thrive on it selfishly, and try to reciprocate it in our own way. We desire attention, we crave to have the feeling of being wanted, needed, and loved.

Sometimes, they will question you on why you love them the way you do. And the answer is either a simple sentence " I just do" or a long list or both, because those work pretty well. Falling in love is pretty dangerous. The pros and cons of it all.. it's hard to keep track, but at some points, they may blend at one side altogether and it's just up uo you to decide.

Some people love too hard and that's a flaw. But that love shows how much they care about you, how willing they are to do whatever it is that you wanted from them. That kind of love is kinda rare and sometimes dangerous. Love is a dangerous thing with multiples of outcome. We can create our own fictional stories, paint love as an incredible thing, something that is a once in a life kinda thing but it's not. You fall in love every single day, you might not even realise it but a part of you does fall in love with the way someone looks or even acts. Or better still you will fall in love with the simplicity of this world and its beauty. You acknowledged the bad shit but it's all water unde the bridge because you prefer to be in the moment, in the present that's now.

There are people who like to plan ahead for the future. They know exactly what they want, exactly who they love, and almost exactly what might happen in the near future. But of course, we can't we can't tell the future unless we make prediction to sate the wellbeing of others .... but I digress.

There are also people who do plan for the future and then they meet someone they don't expect to fall in love with. They try to stop themselves yet they fall so hard. And the other person will fall hard as well this the beginning of something beautiful. But that sorts of love usually never last long and that's a damn shame because it's really nice when your life is becoming shitty and the only thing you can look forward to is talking to that person. Meeting someone and falling in love at the wrong time is one of the shittiest feeling in the world. You know that the impending heartbreak is inevitable but you do nothing to stop it for the fear of messing everything up. But eventually it will crash and burn or you will reach an understanding who knows?

I prefer the later and never the former because the former leads to a plummeting mental and physical health, leaving the other person basically fucked, as they would be in the wrong at least according to the other person. On the other hand, reaching an understanding gives you a good feeling because you both clear everything up as best as you could. You may still like them or probably mildly hate them, but if it's for the best, then you will surely get there.

Love is something tragically beautiful. It masks the flaws which can make you blind to them. But the feeling is something that will never be replicated, something that authors can only dream of describing. That feeling is entirely reserved for you and only you. I wish i get there soon ... hehe..

Love do have different meanings just as colors are of different shades. Watch out for the next part.


Interesting, love is dangerous.should we stop loving