Week 4, Day 1 Get In Shape Challenge

Weigh in and work out!

Here we go:

Today's reps were a bit more than last time!
50 kettle bell swings
30 baby Burpees
30 modified pushups
50 lunges
80 crunches
50 squats
40 sec, 20 sec, and 20 sec planks
24 minute walk

Over the weekend, I did go for a 20 minute walk Saturday, and had a rest day Sunday.

Food and water intake have been on track.
I am happy with my weigh in. I do wish the numbers were down a little more, but if I'm gaining muscle, I can't complain!

My right foot is not healed yet of the plantar fasciitis. But I wear Birkinstock insoles in my tennis shoes. They do help a lot! I am afraid to jump or jog, as jumping Jacks really hurt it the first work out of this challenge. I'm keeping it slow and steady. Yesterday I got a pair of Birkinstock sandals. I'm looking forward to not wearing tennis shoes to church! :) And I'm looking forward to my foot being pain free, whenever that may be.
I've never been a runner. If you see me running, you'd better run, too! It would only mean something bad is coming. Ha ha ha But after my foot heals, I am very interested in doing the Couch to 5K program. After all, why shouldn't I run?

Thanks for stopping by!


Hey, you are doing amazing. Unfortunately, I was not able to reach my goal with my challenge, But every little step help so keep on moving on!

Thanks! You keep moving, too! Don't give up. It's taken me 4 months to lose 30 lbs. Each step forward will make you feel better. :) Do you have a new goal set?

great to see that you are getting in shape!

Another great post girl.. keep up the good work! Upvote and resteem from thl member!

Thank you very much!

That's how it all starts...."why shouldn't I run?" 😁 🏃🏼‍♀️

I see you are a runner. Do you have any pointers for a newbie? And thanks for posting! (I crochet a little, too, but mostly baby items and quick projects-never made clothing for myself by crochet, but i do with a sewing machine. ) :)

Yes! I love to run and I'm a running coach. My biggest pointer is not give up and to allow yourself to start slow. Ease into it and give your body time to adjust.

Keep up the hard work. You can do it! 🐓🐓

Thank you! ! I didn't know there were chicken emojis!! So cute!

Thanks for stopping by. I admire your tenacity! 🐓🐓