//info_pol_eng// Deportation in North Rhine-Westphalia escalates: take hostage and gunfire from service weapon

in #germany7 years ago (edited)

Police operation in the refugee home in Borgholzhausen: Originally, a police-acquainted couple (49, 53) from Azerbaijan were to be deported from the municipal accommodation facility on Sundernstrasse early Thursday morning, 17 January.

But what then developed, does not need to shun the comparison with a crime film.

Shots and hostage taking

When the employee of the Ausländeramt Gütersloh, accompanied by two police officers, a security guard and a doctor, entered the premises of the Azerbaijani family at about 3:30 am, they met the two grown-up daughters and a visitor to the family.

During a shortage, the police officers were removed from the family a service weapon and fired several shots. [Police report](https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/23127/3843039)

While the police and the doctor were able to flee the apartment, the security staff and the employee of the immigration office were no longer able to do so. They were taken hostage by the couple and the visitor.

SWAT requested - surrender at the last moment

At 4:15 am, police officers sent an emergency call in the face of the situation. At 4.55 o'clock took over the police headquarters Bielefeld the guidance of the employment and special units were requested.

Even before the apartment stormed, family members opened the apartment door and confronted the police.

 The woman affected by the deportation was found injured in the apartment. According to previous findings, the woman herself suffered a stab wound; no one got hurt by the firing. " (PP Bielefeld, control staff)

The Azerbaijani was taken to hospital with an abdominal injury while her husband, one of the adult daughters (she apparently had taken the gun from the officer) and the visitor (the daughter's friend) were in police custody.

As the "Westfalen-Blatt" reported, the family was already known before the police as a police. The couple had already filed for asylum many years ago, left in the meantime again, came back a few years ago and filed a new application for asylum. This was eventually legally rejected by several instances.

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sources: [Epoch Times](http://www.epochtimes.de/politik/deutschland/abschiebung-in-nrw-eskaliert-geiselnahme-und-schuesse-aus-dienstwaffe-a2324494.html)

//everything as usual


Das spricht leider nicht für den Ausbildungszustand der Polizisten, wenn sie sich bei einem Gerangel die Dienstwaffe abnehmen lassen. Leider ist ja die Exekutive zu Tode gespart worden, da bleibt wohl keine Zeit für Weiterbildung.
Statt dass Polizisten psychisch betreut werden, sollten eher Kriminelle medizinisch betreut werden.

Ja, zum einen. Aber zum anderen auch von der, ich nenns mal, "Blauäugigkeit". Mittlerweile sollte doch klar sein, dass Einsätze in einem solchem Ambiente eskalieren mit guter Wahrscheinlichkeit können.
Viel wir noch zu lernen haben.

lg aus kölle

Genau, Distanz halten und ein prophylaktischer Griff zur Waffe oder zum Pfefferspray wäre vermutlich die klügere Vorgehensweise. Die US-Cops sind da wesentlich routinierter, aber bald werden die unsrigen auch dazulernen, oder noch mehr Lehrgeld bezahlen.