How To Defeat Geoengineering

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

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The real solutions have to be practiced in order to end the huge ongoing problem of manipulating weather conditions and polluting Earth with electromagnetic frequencies. In this post, I will share currently the most advanced method in my opinion.

Below Find My Articles On Geoengineering:


Climate Engineering

Aerosol Spraying Zagreb

Chemtrails - Connecting the Dots

Man Made Floods

Geoengineering Intro & Detox

Crime of Geoengineering


I'm the guy you can see on the right. This picture was created as a sign of protest against the climate manipulation.

Sweet irony is the Diesel cap on my head, but I've received it as a gift seven years ago.

I'm a guy who used to do street workout a lot, so I can tell you that its harder than ever to workout outside now. Nothing is same as before, exiting comfort zone on an air like this is extremely hard.

More and more information is out there, but that doesn't necessarily mean a thing. If the information is not used in right ways, it can backfire and produce counter-desired effects.

This comes from personal experience, but many times I've seen other people react in similar fashion: Finding some pieces of the puzzle and embracing the negative attitude - falling in a trap.

What sense does it make to know certain things and don't do anything about them?

Even worse, what sense it makes to speak about it all the time but don't ACT.

We as a collective, need to change our ways of perceiving the world. It tends to be negative, that's how it is manipulated to be - but that is not how it is! My life never changed until I've changed my thought patterns, afterwards I started to blossom in many ways.

One thing needs to be understood, constantly speaking about something or ignoring it won't make it disappear - it will just produce conscious or unconscious effects. Everyone are constantly referring to the Governments which have no influence at all, politic scene is a giant Theater on a global basis...

The agenda being played against us runs like a software - with no intention of stopping. But it can be stopped. The self-work just needs to be approached seriously. If majority could understand that, peaceful revolution would come really fast...

For the beginning, we can at least approach Geoengineering fight seriously. Afterwards when we win it, some of us can go back to work on ourselves...

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In April of 2014, understanding the urgency of cleaning our air of toxins and seeing how simply educating the public that geoengineering was even happening was not going to stop it anytime soon, Team Chembow decided there was nothing to lose by making a few pieces of orgonite and seeing what would happen. What happened was beyond our best hopes. Within about 20 minutes of putting together a tray of 5 orgonite pieces, with the resin still wet and curing, the blanket of flat and lifeless engineered clouds over our house opened up, revealing a hole of blue sky stretching for about a one mile radius. Over the next week, even more astounding results were witnessed, including a rain despite heavy rain suppression efforts.



Orgone energy wasn't discovered until 1930s, when Dr. Wilhelm Reich found it while measuring a bio-electrical charge in his patients. This energy is known in many cultures, ancient ones call it prana or chi while physicists call it scalar energy.
This discovery was later used to treat cancer patients with the orgone accumulator and for rain promotion activities through Cloudbuster.
What Dr. Reich found out, was that deadly orgone radiation (DOR) is the only cause of pollution and drought.
DOR is immobilized life force energy, opposite from Orgon.
EMF's & WIFI's are main sources of DOR today.
While Reich experimented in the desert, nuclear energy was the major source.
Not until then he discovered that by increasing healthy orgone energy of the environment or an organism diseases can be cured.
Not just that, even the Earth heals at the same time.
What he realized was shocking (to someone who encounters this first time): He saw UFOs being directly involved in energetically polluting Arizona desert with DOR. He determined how deserts are an artificial creation as a direct cause of energetic terraforming operations by off-world entities. After cleaning the DOR in desert of Arizona, "smog" disappeared while clouds re-formed and the grass grew green again - making UFOs retreat. He reported all of his findings to the US Air Force and published his work Contact With Space, you can find the full version here.
Orgone energy became the cure for deserts, as the green prairie grass grew while he worked with Cloudbuster, even before the rain started falling. So, while restoring the energy of life force, the Earth started healing itself from eons of terraforming.


As expected, Reich's work was mocked and heavily suppressed, same as of any other scientists who studied free energy, the non-physical and UFOs. After being prosecuted for years by the FDA, he was jailed over his work with Orgone energy. His laboratory got destroyed, the books burned and he died in jail in 1957 - same year when he published his work from above.

In the 1990s, Karl Welz invented a device called Orgonite. It is based on Reich's ideas: Combining organic and inorganic material in order to generate orgone energy. Many have been making it and gifting it since long time ago, and you can be one of them... Continue reading

Functioning of Orgonite


Orgonite is made from quartz crystals, metal shavings, and a copper coil in a polyester resin. Any type of crystal can be used, but quartz is the most effective, due to it's piezoelectric properties, meaning its energy is amplified by putting pressure on it. We use quartz in all of our orgonite pieces, even if there also is a crystal other than quartz in the piece. When the resin catalyzes around the crystal, the compression activates the already present orgone energy which the crystal naturally contains. The metals then broadcast the energy out, and the copper coil repels negative ions, which cleans the air in your home and the atmosphere. This energy is continuous and free. Occasionally you may rinse the orgonite in water to recharge, but this is not necessary, as our pieces distributed into the environment don't receive any special care, but continue to do their work.

The orgone energy reshapes the chaotic EMF and makes a wave coherent, so the wave passes through the body as parallel lines and creates a much lower level of disturbance to cell communication in the body. This is the main reason, why everyone sleep way better just by keeping orgonite pyramid next to the bed. Not just that, it reduces various health complications such as tinnitus, depression, chronic pain & asthma. It also creates a scalar wave vortex, which throws the pollutants from Chemtrails and smog far away in the space. Occasionally, you will notice funnel shaped clouds on chemtrail days while sky is clearing, since the wave form has a spiraling shape. When you see it, you'll know that orgone energy is working against the dead life force - heavy metals and various EMFs which cause stagnant air and pollution. Electromagnetic frequencies are positively ionized, meaning there are excess electrons that are thrown in the atmosphere. This results in clouds being formed and lingering of smog. Luckily, orgone energy changes this by negatively ionizing the atmosphere - removing pollution and allowing the hydrogen bond between molecules of water to form rain and clouds.


You can read full article on how to make an orgonite Cloudbuster here.

The area covered by the protection of the orgonite varies depending on the size and quality of the pieces, as well as the quantity of distribution. One small pyramid is enough to provide protection for a room, and has even been recorded clearing a significant area of sky of chemtrails, when placed in a new area which did not have any orgonite before. To see major weather changes and a reversal of geoengineering, or weather modification, a much more widespread distribution is necessary. With about a dozen or so small pieces in your town, usually rough towerbusters around 3 ounces each, you will already see a significant cleaning of the sky, especially when they are placed near a major source of EMF, such as a cell phone tower. It only took a dozen small pyramids added to whatever orgonite was already in the area to bring our first rain back to Los Angeles in the spring of 2014.

Wilhelm Reich with his Cloudbuster

It's a good idea to do maintenance gifting as new DOR sources are added to an area and to create new orgone energy rushes. Areas that are newly gifted may receive more geoengineering attempts than before, as the parasites want to destroy the life force and keep the control grid functioning. If an area is very heavily gridded with orgonite, as we have done in Los Angeles, with hundreds of pieces, you will see with regularity, clear blue skies, transmuting clouds as the sky is cleaned, and chemtrails which completely fall apart. Focusing on neutralizing cell towers is the most effective way of bringing about this climate restoration, at the same time as helping communities to reduce the dangerous effects of EMF. Having distributed around 5000 orgonite towerbusters to California, Oregon, and Nevada as of early 2018, along with the work others have been doing, we have seen a return of rainfall, record breaking rains and snows, natural skies, improved air quality, and an end to the engineered drought in California and the western US.

It is evident that orgonite protection is giving amazing results and California is virtually chemtrail free but still - this is a global agenda and consciousness need to expand. With enough intellects together, the circle of orgone energy formed could be so strong that geoengineering would become useless everywhere! It just takes a bit of faith, and realization... Not to mention that orgone neutralizes all kinds of EMFs (Cell towers, smart meters, wireless) and that is a highly beneficial attribute since all these devices play a role in the mind suppression and cause cancer as well. Where I come from, people are getting cancers daily considering we are bombarded by radio towers (Even 5G ones that are still secret). Since the goal of elite is to never stop with their actions (obviously), it is of crucial importance to never stop fighting (through knowledge & intellect of course).

Once you have orgonite, your life is changed forever. It does more than clean the chemtrails out of the air. It cleans the chemtrails out of your mind and you can see clearly for the first time in years. As we need vitamin supplements in a polluted world where food is lacking in nutrients, we also need the energetic supplement of orgonite in a world where natural energy centers have been targeted with DOR sources. Our world is so effected by dangerous energies, that we need a tool which emits our own life force energy to boost our energy and the Earth's back to where it should be and beyond.

I 100% agree with this statement and I'm deeply grateful to Chembow crew for teaching me all these life-changing information. Need to mention that this article would never existed if they weren't here.

On the picture below, you can see aura images taken before and after exposure to orgon energy. I think the image speaks thousand words right now...


In my opinion, orgone energy can not just stop geoengineering but end the Matrix as we know it as well. When EMF (mind controlling) noise is removed, our consciousness begins expanding since we can hear ourselves better. What happens when people hear themselves better? Basically, we remind ourselves of our own power (that was hidden from us) and the system starts falling apart... We need to heal ourselves from DOR addiction and reject all the mind suppressing devices (cellphones, TVs, PCs). That could be hard, but, we can always maximize our efficiency on PC for example (if you work from it like me). Every single EMF device suppresses your mind, sooner or later you will become aware of it... That is why we need orgone energy! It rejuvenates us and helps us to defeat fear, since fear is energy. By the help from orgone, any energy can be turned in blink of an eye! Amazing huh? Same is with our lives, and realities. :) That is my whole point

One cannot find courage without experiencing fear.

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You should make a home appliance.
Try it on yourself.
If it works, make:

  1. Another post about this experiment,
    2, a special post - tutorial on device development (step - by - step) with precisely defined material prices (calculations).
    And then it is done well - a human work (who likes to do it).
    By the way, the post is as always lucid, fun and instructive.
    Up to reading!

Thank you a lot mate :) appreciate it.

That is a great idea and I'll look forward to present it to Steemians as soon as possible ;)

In geoengineering the deliberate large-scale manipulation of an environmental process that affects the earth's climate, in an attempt to counteract the effects of global warming.

In orgone energy Orgone is a pseudo-scientific and spiritual concept described as an esoteric energy or hypothetical universal life force, originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich...hope it can defeat geoengineering periodically...

Yesss! It can! But people need to wake the fu** up, and start doing right things for themselves :)

Peace buddy

To hear the speech version of this post click the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

Thank you as always, for making an audio version for me ;)


WARNING! A link in this post by @enjoyinglife leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.

As i have been tracing the wallet transfers of @good-kama (an spam account that takes all your sbd's and steem) it is you @enjoyinglife who seems to be the owner of that account .. the deposits you have been taking from other peoples accounts who earn that with their hard work and you take a shortcut and take all their deposits and make yourself comfortable with other peoples earnings , hope you will understand and will transfer back people what you took from them.
P.s you also took 14 sbd from me. Hope you will show some honesty and return it back.

Buddy, do I look like a hacker to you?

Just look at my wallet, good-kama took all my SBD!

not just that, he delegated all my SP (go check it out)

Just got my acc back... you didn't do your detective work good

Did you already build a cloud buster?


Building it right now!! I will make a Dtube video on detailed tutorial how to do it :)

This is such a beautiful and highly informative piece. I'm from Nigeria and I'll love to know more about this orgone energy.
Thanks so much. Resteemed already!

@enjoyinglife - great job increasing the awareness on geoengineering and Orgonite. Kudos brother !

I have been keen on this topic as well, and wrote a few posts here on the same topic. I have uncovered some lesser known aspects- I invite you to take a look at my posts and give me some feedback, at your convenience. Thanks in advance.

  1. How NEXRAD/Weather RADAR is manipulating weather

  2. How the water vapor is generated for artificial cloud formation

I am still in the process of testing out orgonite. What would you recommend me to start off with? Thanks again!

Thanks for sharing

Excellent post! I'm posting some academic papers I wrote in college about zero waste that you might enjoy.