America extinction, still birth to millions of our children dead.

in #genocide2 years ago


The regime has been steady with depopulation tactics, solely meant for genocide. We’re letting them thin the already millions or less generation in next 25 years, than that’s all she wrote.
Covid cover up on child mass graves shouldn’t of been undermined. Nitrate & potassium shortage is a hoax, brought onto by the krypton element, a god gas relocating the above can be simply washed through a special process.

This age old war stems from a religious war, U.N. U.S. U.K. Is tearing up the planet. Keeping the lid shut with censorship & PSYOP tactics brought out of Britain after German genocide wasn’t transparent completely until Millennial Generation, while they quietly murdered the Sovereign, regulated our society by creating the felony charge for drugs, booze, street markets like food & tobacco. They also made use believe education was real, eliminating our vision under the corporate nation of the world. Where a village thrived sending sugar cane to America. Farmer skill set is a unique trade, why not provide the sleepless ones with what they needed, drugs are shared amongst the traders which benefit both parties. China holds onto the outsourced development, pollution toxicity so high, however they’re now a trillion dollar machine, they live & die due to an evil amongst the people of America. A whitehead that has found weak hands, the festering shouldn’t be accessible to our neighbors over sea, getting a grip & popping the head of this bubble to cleanse misguided humans should be expected as Americans. The problem lay deep… to cleanse the regime & their leech behavior means stop the politic game they stagger everyone with. The bottom feeding has to stop, this nation receives trillions of dollars a year from taxes. Meaning from out poverty to lower class, we decide top shelf or not on that bottle, 8 ball or dub sack, hard candy or carbon soda, perhaps beer & candy bar; Can’t even smoke a good cig, the beer sucks, drugs are cut.

Education teaches nothing about business equality, competition & best location to setup shop, dead zone or exempt of necessary businesses & street smarts has an unusual respect that Americans have, yet no one gives a sht. We just go on. Why does psychology complain when we self medicate, impossible until they con your loved ones to do the same. All a sudden they’re better, now the Xmas reunion is alcoholic free.. wtf.

This has to stop. This is at the end folks, 25 years our younger generation will be on the endanger species list. There’s no coming back from that. Forget that lame Christianity stigma the Vatican shilled out. The American people need to pick up the sword, ensure turnover is complete on the U.S. Government employment, let the Native people have it. Exercise the devil, jump tf out of AZ guys, god doesn’t hate you, you were not the one creating genocide by mutilation, pedophilia & starvation.

Save our kids, wash the soil, push the dust off into the toilet bowl & create some new damn streams, they took those too, stop drinking from the ground, find a mountain & burn in a mile radius a handful of canisters with silver iodide.

Put some water on our crops by burning Biochar or wool, smoke signal style or the canister method n’ hand sanitizer on a 20ft by 20ft radius, predict the wind like a normal person.

Stop eating beef & wheat, that’s regime industry garbage, we eat buffalo & corn. Help out mexrx neighbor out, they’re better than the CDC anyways, their dope isn’t gonna kill anyone neither, Cuba would probably appreciate the boost in sales, coke is way better than opium. Seriously, stop letting your friends n’ family around that dragon, it chased rere machine over here for a reason, put it into their MRE’s fk en’

These pedo lazy slobs gotta go. Trillions back from a government is never seen around the world, it’s not fair so America might need to break that latch, bullet or a blade is gonna do.

Pray? Stop, god ain’t playing. He sees you struggling, show em’ you got a cure. Throw em’ into a burning fire. A wall & shot works fine too.

This is our law! I know, won’t take long & the native do a better job, it’s a long time coming.
