American Genocide

Barbara H. Peterson
Farm Wars
We tend to think of things such as the demise of the American Dream as something that is about to happen in the distant or not so distant future. It couldn’t possibly be happening right now, under our very noses. But what if we are really in the last days as prophesied in Scripture, and the enemy is not just waiting at the gate, but has already entered it and is standing right in front of us? What if we are under such a strong delusion that we cannot even see the enemy for who or what it is?
Remember, the devil doesn’t come at you with a pitchfork. He appears as something good and beneficial. An angel of light. And then, when you come to realize that you’ve been had, you are eyeballs deep in the quagmire, struggling to keep your head above water as he is pulling you down into the abyss.
So, as we wait for an overt attack from a foreign enemy, perhaps a takeover is already being waged against us through chemicals and food. A covert plan that has been in play for many years. An attack on our very lives by New World Order power-mongers who will stop at nothing to stand at the top of a rotting heap of corpses and plant the flag of “victory.”
Most people appear to be under a massive illusion that the medical cartel and the government are beneficial and have our best interests at heart when nothing could be further from the truth. Any and all actions by these mafia thugs, even if some are good, are meant to further one agenda only. And that is - to tighten their grip on our throats so that they can wring more money out of us as we suffocate to death. This is becoming more apparent minute by minute. Yet, some will defend to the death their overlords, even as they lay kicking and screaming while the life is sucked out of them. Yes, it is a tough nut to swallow that those whom we have been raised to think of as "good and honest and true" are really wolves in sheep's clothing, plotting our demise as they dance on our graves. Working with the forces of evil, disguised as the world’s benefactors.
Feed the world through GMOs while genetically engineering life itself and patenting that life.Kill weeds with Glyphosate and have beautiful yards, gardens and crops while poisoning the planet and all life on it.
Get a shot and give a shot to a third-world baby to protect us and them from disease while injecting poisons into the world’s population, creating disease.
Protect your teeth through water fluoridation while flooding the world with waste from toxic industry stockpiles.
Watch TV to escape from reality and perpetuate the illusion that all is well. Just keep ingesting the poisons.
And the world as we know it comes crashing down around us while we are glued to our jobs and the cell phones and tablets we carry around with us and can’t seem to be without. Kept in the dark and fed poison while we smile, laud our enlightenment, and go on our not so merry way until we drop.
Brilliant planning. It’s all accomplished by consent. The consent of the governed who can’t even seem to grasp that the dog and pony show that we call the "presidential election" is merely a circus designed to keep us distracted and entertained.
Yes, folks. We have been raised on bread and circuses.
A wild animal is unpredictable. A trained one is easy to control. We are trained animals. Trained by those who would see our destruction. We gobble down poison, inject it into our bodies and the bodies of our children, drink it, bath in it, force it into the bodies of strangers, and pat ourselves on the backs for being good, responsible citizens for doing so. An illusion. Strong delusion.
But let’s just make one thing perfectly clear. Those who see beyond the delusion understand the agenda for just what it is. Genocide. Covert genocide implemented with plausible deniability by those perpetrating the horror.
This was predicted long ago. It is not something that will happen in the distant or not so distant future. It is upon us right now. It appears benign. Beneficial even. That is the mask. Pull back the mask and you will see it for what it is. Pure evil with nothing but destruction as the goal. It is staring us in the face and we can’t even recognize it. But once we glimpse the real face of the enemy, we can never go back.
We must learn to quit depending on those who would see us die. A leopard cannot change its spots. It is simply not going to happen. We need to throw off the shackles and live our lives devoted to the truth. That is the only way out.
The good news is, evil will not prevail. Light overcomes the darkness. Be that light.
©2016 Barbara H. Peterson