Tips to sustaining your true vision

in #genesisproject7 years ago


  1. How do you withstand rejection?
    I’ve learned over the years not to let someone else’s opinion of me describe me. Not everyone is going to share your vision. Not everyone is going to believe what you believe. Not everyone is going to love your work. Your positive energy must be greater than their negativity. Your certainty and belief must be greater than their doubt . I don’t take it personally.
  2. How do you maintain a constructive outlook on life?
    I’ve learned that negative thoughts will always come in surely, but just because you have a negative thought, doesn’t mean you need to believe it. I do my best to see my life as a gift, not an moral tie or duty. It’s not about what we have to do but what we get to do. The research shows we can never be stressed and thankful at the same time. Each day, I take a walk of appreciation where I tell myself what I’m thankful for. When I do this, I am flooding my brain and body with positive emotions as well as cleansing my soul off addiction that uplift me and create a fertile mind that is ready for success.
  3. How do you bring lucidity or transparency to your life?
    I also often think about the core of myself and my work. The core is your purpose. It’s the message you are meant to share. It’s the people who matter most to you. It’s the work that is central and key to your business, growth and success. I think about the legacy I want to leave. Knowing how you want to be remembered helps you decide how to live today. And once you know what you stand for and what’s important, decisions are easy to make.
  4. How do you take your stand despite roadblocks, setbacks or failures?
    Without setbacks, there would be no feeling of winning and accomplishment. Roadblocks are part of the journey. Without struggle, there would be no triumph. It’s meant to refine you and help you become all you are meant to be. I have found that positive leaders always keep their vision alive. Regardless of their circumstances or setbacks, they are always looking forward. It’s also important to remember that failure is not meant to define you. Marathon runners don’t quit in the last mile because they can see the end in sight. Even though they are the most physically tired at that time, they don’t give up because they have a vision of where they are going. The path to success is never behind you. When you face roadblocks and setbacks, you have to keep your vision alive and keep moving forward.
  5. How do you discover a sense of resolution in your life?
    The challenge is that many people don’t know their purpose or don’t have a why . We find a sense of purpose when we look for ways to be of service to others and make the world better. Years ago, I was miserable, negative and only focused on myself. When I decided to focus my life on making a difference in the lives of others, I found a greater purpose within myself. We don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it. Purpose is the fuel that keeps us going.

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@josoft, It's great to read your answers to these questions, but your lack of formatting makes this article very difficult to read.

You need to include more white space, and each of the points could have a heading to separate them. You could even draw attention to the most important things by making them bullet points. This is a good article to experiment with Markdown on. Go ahead and try it!