75M+ Coming To STEEM Without Changing What They Are Doing???? This Could Be Huge!!!!

There are game changers and then there are game changers.
Imagine this....
One could keep doing what they normally do yet simultanously be on the STEEM blockchain. Plus, by having this happen, STEEM would have the potential for 75M+ accounts.
Do you think this would be a good thing? This is exactly what we might see happen.
We all know Steemit, as much as people try to position it otherwise, is basically a blogger site at the present time. This is what it offers to people. That said, there are a lot of blogs out there. One of them, Wordpress, has over 75M sites. To me, this is a nice target to get after.
I know what you are thinking. Wordpress is mostly blogs of people talking about their flower arranging or their homesteading. One of the nice things about Wordpress is that anyone can set up a blog and be going in a few minutes. However, one of the negatives is that few make any money off it.
Before we get into the juicy stuff, let us look at what Wordpress is.
I am using stats that are a couple of years old from the managewp website and a site called expandedramblings.com that posted some WP data. These are their numbers which I was not able to verify.
Contrary to what one might think, Wordpress is not just used by individuals. There are some pretty big users on there.
Here are a few stats:
Websites using Wordpress: 75M
Wordpress % of Global Content Market: 60.2%
% of all websites that use Wordpress: 27.5%
Monthly pages on Wordpress blogs: 23.1B
For full stats.... https://expandedramblings.com/index.php/wordpress-statistics/
According to managewp, here are a few sites that are Wordpress:
- New York Times
- Wall Street Journal Speakeasy
- People Magazine
- National Geographic
- Forbes
I never would have guessed.
Okay great. Wordpress is huge. What does that have to do with STEEM?
Here is where it gets really interesting. I have to say I watched this project for a while and then lost track of it. Yesterday I caught a vlog by @exyle which reminded me of it. They participated in the London Cryptocurrency Show over the weekend. To me, this development could be really huge for STEEM.
Let me introduce you to Steempress.
SteemPress is a wordpress plugin to allow you to automatically publish your articles on the STEEM blockchain whenever you publish them on your blog.
Doesn't that get the juices flowing?
Steempress is a plugin that can link 75M+ blogs to the STEEM blockchain. Every post made on those blogs will instantly be posted on their Steemit account allowing them to monetize the content without having to create another post. Talk about a no brainer.
Here is another great aspect to this plugin....It is already available on the Wordpress site.
Thus far, over 400 people have installed it...
Plugin featured at the London CryptoCurrency Show in april 2018.
features :
- Automatic posting of your article
- Conversion and cleanup of the text to make look good on steem.
- Optional self vote
- Add an original link to your blog
- Custom tags for each article
- Default tags if no tags are defined for an article.
- Optional posting
- Bulk posting
- Delayed posting to protect your SEO
Like most other apps on STEEM, including esteem, dtube, dsound, dmania, utopian and zappl to name a few, we intend to use benefactor rewards to help run SteemPress. The benefactor rewards is currently set to 10%. In comparison, Dtube and Utopian both take 25% benefactor rewards while Zappl takes 15%.
We (fredrikaa and howo) are determined to do our best to keep this percentage low in order to incentivise more use. Discussions on the use of benefactor rewards, and what rates they should be, are of course welcomed.to do our best to keep this percentage low in order to incentivise more use. Discussions on the use of benefactor rewards, and what rates they should be, are of course welcomed.
Does this plug in mean the NYTimes is suddenly going to start posting on here? Not likely. However, when you are dealing with a pool of that is 75M+ sites, there is a chance that more than a handful will opt to use this plug in.
Now I do not have a Wordpress site so I cannot test it out. If anyone reading this does, please give it a try and let us know how it works.
This is just another instance of a development that potentially attract millions of people to the STEEM blockchain. Simple logic tells me that anyone with a Wordpress blog, why wouldn't they want to duplicate their exposure by also posting on STEEM, especially since it appears there is no additional work on their part? The plug in handles all the posting on this blockchain. Write once, post twice.
Another advantage to the blogger, even if there isn't a lot in monetization, Steemit is growing in terms of the rankings in Google. I wrote about this a couple months ago. As more content is created on this blockchain, the Google spider will find a bigger animal each time it goes through. This helps with the rankings which drives organic traffic, not only to Steemit but also the author. For those who are not the NYTimes or Forbes Magazine, posting on a highly ranked website could help considerably.
As I keep saying, each day provides something new on the blockchain. Development is occurring at a rapid pace. With all that is happening, those with even a few hundred SP are going to be very happy in a year or two.
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Extremely huge!
😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁
I, before I did jumped on the Steem blockchain, was blogging on blogger. And yes if was even harder there to get noticed and don’t even speak about the money part.
Steempress could be a great tool to lure these blogs to the Steem blockchain!
But if they only post via the tool and don’t interact with their audience won’t it then just damage the blockchain?
Like you wrote, steemit is at the moment more a blog competitor than a facebook competitor! But it some facebook like features. But we need to encourage people to interact with each other! Not only to post and forget!
But yes, it could be a catalyser from the Steem blockchain but it will depend on how the people will use it!
I would imagine some of the ones who come over would interact. Like anything, some will, some wont.
For me, the key point is that having blog posts from Wordpress posted on Steemit, automatically, that could really increase the size for the Google bot. With more pages, Steemit becomes a better ranked site. This will help to push more organic traffic.
Plus, having the authors on here is great but what about the readers? This is the true nugget. How many people read all these different Wordpress sites. Getting a portion of them would be a windfall too.
If only 0.5% of those authors will come to the Steem blockchain it would be around 375K users. We now have a little above 65K daily active users, so it would mean a huge jump in activity on the blockchain. A much needed one!
Not only that, imagine that one of those big shots, will announce that they will be moving to the Steem blockchain, that would open the flood gates :)
They don't have to pay anymore for the storage of the blog, which will decrease the costs! But what maybe will held them back to make the jump, is the URL. Some of these will have their own URL and it will be hard to give this up and to destroy all their build up rankings in the search engines. Maybe that is another feature that the blockchain will have to implement. Let's assume that they need to pay X amount of steem to be able to use their own URL. This is maybe something the steem blockchain needs for mass adoption!
The URL could stay the same, it would just need to be directed at the blockchain. And if they have pics or videos, that would have to still be stored on a cloud service or their own servers. Pics and videos are not on the STEEM blockchain....anything submitted through Steemit is on AWS.
The challenge at the moment is the sign up process. I am hoping the Steemit development team is close to solving that issue. Looking at the stats the last few days, only 500-700 signups per day.
I know there is more interest than that.
Upvoting your comment, because I wanted to add the exact same thing. Although having great content on Steemit is awesome, and more activity on the STEEM blockchain will help us grow, they might only come to 'get' upvotes, and most of them will not give back their (over time valuable) upvotes.
I would love it if wordpress start using steem and I can design my own steemit layout so my travelblogs can be easily found and used. Now I have the feeling that all of my older articles are only to find on google.
WordPress definitely powers many more sites. Almost all stats in expandedrambling's post are absolutely out of date.
The 75 million number, as reported by Forbes, dates from end 2016.
It needs be said though that many WordPress sites have long become much more complicated than a blog, WordPress has long started calling itself a CMS and definitely offers much more versatility, even for non-technical users.
Submitting all content also to the Steem blockchain will definitely hurt the TrustRank of many smaller sites because of especially Steemit's awesome Google rank. While now that may be a valid pro-Steem argument, not every user is satisfied with that, also because many users opt to self-host because they do not want to bother with the possibility of downvotes or limited features.
As such building a site, its functionality and community up over time then only to ruin that because Steemit's SEO outpowers your own site and Google will consider one of both duplicate content is st00pid to the nth.
I agree though that those who are capable of maintaining two profiles, one here on Steemit and their own site, they can be the winner in everything. Especially if they know how to also manage their social profiles and have a plan to market both sites targeted'ly [sic].
I have previously experimented with the different pre-SteemPress options then available but since have refocused my online activities and have now totally switched to blockchain.
Most self-hosted bloggers who will also submit to Steem will not become investors in the platform, but rather be only more noise to the firehose and possibly never even bother growing their Steem profile and thus also SP and curation activities. That makes things only more difficult for those who are intent on building their profile exclusively (and possibly also full-time) on Steem.
The real market to go after tho are the wordpress.com users. They are as many or possibly even more.
PS: check out the WordPress VIP site for some amazing brands who use the service, as well as the WP (self-hosted) showcase.
The only flaw i can see in this, is that they are not engaging in the community and upvoting and promoting other peoples great work 😊
The blockchain is revolutionary, it only a matter a time everyone caught on. The future has come.
Definitely a huge potential to onboard users and exponentially expand the user base and content available. It think additional incentive may be needed to make this a reality and SMTs may be that initiative. This could move major media outlets like those you mention to move over to the platform for an additional monetization source.
Sweet! This plugin has huge potential for STEEM blockchain. Great news! I'd be interested to watch over time how many users sign up and use it.
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extraordinary thanks for his information.