The Most Moral Man in the World

in #gaza3 months ago

The Führer was a moral man. Unlike his current day counterpart - Bibi Mileikowski - the Führer was quite explicit and open about his intentions. And really, telling people the TRUTH is basically the foundation of all that we call moral. (See Frank Herbert's Dune for reference.)

The paedophillic religious wall fuckers refuse to admit what they are doing - which is in no uncertain terms - an ethnic cleansing of a region they consider economically theirs. Any gas-rich region is essentially THEIRS until such time as they come to claim it - at which point it becomes explicitly their. Crimea was entirely free to exist - until they tried to claim it. But they failed there because Putin moved in too quickly.
But the Elohim-worshipping Death Cult were not about to let that happen in Gaza - right under their own disproportionally large noses. The Leviathan gas field technically should belong to three parties - Egypt, Rothschildland and Gaza. But of course, that isn't ever going to happen as long as Bibi is alive.
There is a reason why perfectly a-moral (as opposed to immoral) people are chosen to be political leaders. The Elite require a representative who will do and say ANYTHING for US dollars.
Give Bibi an apartment in Florida - and he is yours.

Word War II only needed to be fought because the great Führer could not be bought out. And it was for this reason alone Europeans had so much trouble trying to get their first war's reparations back.

It may be true that the Nazis and Zionists made deals amongst themselves for the Levant but when it became clear that the money lenders were not going to get their gold back - the blood of many European Goyim had to be spilt.

Adolph did not have to invade Poland. He did - but was the moral thing to do. There were no gas fields there but the invasion allowed the economically collapsed former empire to produce what they needed. It wasn't about oil or gas back then - the real wealth lay in industrial labour.

Polish workers - much like the ancestors of Bibi - had flooded German factories and displaced a large portion of the German workforce. While the Germans were out of a job - the Poles were making a good life for themselves - across the Rhine - funneling their income to the Warsaw-run country.

American money had entered into Germany in the mean-time - funding their warmachine. George Prescott Bush made certain that the currency stream did not halt even during the war.

In all this - there was no talk of genocide or ethnic cleansing - but eugenics was looked at as an ethical way to strengthen the German gene pool. Which is just a pleasant way of saying that retards were executed. Germany did not want retards - retarding the economy. And America found no fault in following the Führer. Sterilizing morons and idiots was seen as prudent in America back then - a tradition that Bill Gates stil keeps alive to this day thanks to Fauci's Covid shots.

Nobody knows the exact number of untermench that Europe was collectively responsible for terminating - but it was in that lot that the Gypsies and Roma people thrown into. Hitler then gathered the Jews of Europe and told them to get into ghettos.

History never repeats but it often rhymes. Gaza was a ghetto. A comfortable one for the most part - but it was still a ghetto. And instead of marching folks off to gas chambers - all Bibi had to do - was to turn off the water, blockade the food and bomb them.

Of course, he had to manufacture a reason. Oh yeah, THAT'S how we got October 7th. Unlike the burning of the Reichstag or 9/11 (or, even Pearl Harbor for that matter) - the fact that he allowed the inmates to fly in on motorized gliders streatched the most wildests of imaginations.

Yeah. Sure. That was what a rag-tag terrorist group would do. If Jews in the Ghetto were allowed airships to fly out of Poland... then no one would have bought into WW2 either.

It wasn't that Bibi was immoral in creating October 7th - he was also Stupid.

Somehow the Germans bought the story that the Communists burnt down their Parliment building - or that Tim Usman (a former CIA agent working under Zbigniew Brzezinski hijacked planes and destroyed two towers and then a third just for Larry Silverstein.

Bibi asked the world to believe that the Palestinians flew in with mini-airplanes, took captives, had time to supposedly rape israeli women, microwave babies and then RETURN TO THE GETTHO !!!

Well fuck that shit.

You know Bibi wrote that script on weed. But Americans are in general - dumber than most Europeans. So maybe enough of them bought it. At least, for as long as it takes Bibi to wipe Gaza clear of Goyim life.

In any case - at least he got Syria.